You and me both, QA. My little vices are rather dear to me.
I don't know if any of this will be useful to you, but here's a few things I've done in the past few years to get healthier. A lot are still in progress.
One of the big items was making sure I was getting some sort of exercise every day despite having a very stressful and demanding job. My wife and I have ALWAYS had dogs, typically a pair.
A few years ago when we lost our last one of the previous pair, I made sure that we got two very athletic dogs that would demand a long nightly walk. Needless to say, for the past 3 years I've gone on a 60-90 minute brisk walk every single night (maybe 5 days a year it doesn't happen).
I never drink to excess, but I was drinking 3-4 beers every single night to try to erase a bit of the stress of the day. I'm still not completely dry, but it started with just a single night. I tried to make things achievable so it started as just "tonight i'm dry". I felt better the next morning without those toxins in my system.
I'm still not completely dry, tough to be in a sales job. But I'm getting there.
I don't get enough veggies in my diet. I'm on the road a fair amount, eat a lot of food from restaurants. And just in general, I'm always in a hurry. I did a lot of research and found a good veggie powder called "Field of Greens" from a company called Brickhouse nutrition. Dan Bongino was whoring for those guys for a while. I started making it a point of mixing in a couple of big scoops of that stuff into some juice every day. Within a week I started feeling better with better energy. My guts felt better too.
I still need to start lifting weights again. No idea where the time is going to come from for that, but I'll figure it out. Need to stay alive for my family and to keep fighting for this Republic.
Re: supergreens, I used to get those, I should do it again, I didn't see an organic option from Brickhouse, do you know if they have one? If not no prob, I'm sure there are others out there I can find.
Thanks for the reply!
Edit: i found this company called dailyelements. Might order from them. They grow the greens indoors so no pesticides. Plus they are microgreens, which I guess can have more nutrients
agreed. breaking habits is hard for me... any tips?
You and me both, QA. My little vices are rather dear to me.
I don't know if any of this will be useful to you, but here's a few things I've done in the past few years to get healthier. A lot are still in progress.
A few years ago when we lost our last one of the previous pair, I made sure that we got two very athletic dogs that would demand a long nightly walk. Needless to say, for the past 3 years I've gone on a 60-90 minute brisk walk every single night (maybe 5 days a year it doesn't happen).
I'm still not completely dry, tough to be in a sales job. But I'm getting there.
I still need to start lifting weights again. No idea where the time is going to come from for that, but I'll figure it out. Need to stay alive for my family and to keep fighting for this Republic.
Getting dogs sounds like a great idea.
Re: supergreens, I used to get those, I should do it again, I didn't see an organic option from Brickhouse, do you know if they have one? If not no prob, I'm sure there are others out there I can find.
Thanks for the reply!
Edit: i found this company called dailyelements. Might order from them. They grow the greens indoors so no pesticides. Plus they are microgreens, which I guess can have more nutrients