posted ago by TaogTaov ago by TaogTaov +85 / -2

What if DOGE is really just a public-facing (central casting) arm of Q team. Allowing full control, and therefore feedback, in terms of a controlled disclosure?

Meaning, all of this stuff being discovered by DOGE was already known about and being tracked for years, and in real-time by Q-team

Is Elon is just ‘acting’ and following the script while we watch the movie with a variable spigot controlling information release.

The benefit being that it would allow total control over the flood allowing the flow to be flexible as the battlefield changes. It would also allow WH analysis (feedback from Ai / machine learning / social media analysis) related to ‘public sentiment’ in deciding when it truly is time for the D5 avalanche that we are all very eager for.

I know there have always been things on the backlog of disclosure, but this was a different twist on it - my random thought for the day