Hi guys,
I've seen people post prayer requests here from time to time and it's time I make one myself. I share a house with my grandparents who are in their 80s and about 2 and a half weeks ago my grandmother was admitting to the hospital for pneumonia, but non-viral/bacterial, it's something to do with her body retaining water/fluid when it shouldn't. Since then they got the majority of that out and moved her from the general hospital to a smaller, more specialized one. However, we just received a call that she's been moved to ICU there and was requiring additional blood and asked us if they had the go ahead to do CPR if needed (since she's elderly, and it could risk breaking the ribs, you know how that goes). Over the last couple of days or so, she's not been eating much and has been getting pretty sick to her stomach a lot.
It seems she's not doing too great, so I wanted to ask for prayers for her. Thank you in advance.
Edit: Nurse called and said what's going on is that her temperature dropped and that she has a blood infection and they're giving her antibiotics. They're also trying to scan for internal bleeding. However, she is aware and knows information like where she is, but she's very tired.
Edit 2: She’s still in rough shape, but they’re doing what they can. I think they’re still trying to stop internal bleeding, and there were also blood clots in her arm where they had stuck her with needles and such for other things she had to be hooked up to, which may have broke some veins. Maybe the situation is slightly better by now, but I’m not exactly sure. I’ll have to wait to hear from other family visiting or see when I go to visit next.
She needs to get off carbs and take ivermectin
Praying for this!