Politicians, governors, doctors, nurses, lawyers, anyone with a position of authority has lost ALL respect because of what they did during Covid. And to top it off about 50% of the population just ran off the cliff like lemmings because the TV told them to. I felt like i somehow walked thru a portal to an alternate world without knowing it.
This is me👆. Add pastors/clergy, educators, and law enforcement. No one who fell for and enforced covid policy gets my respect. I’m still waiting for the pharmacy’s to take down their “free covid shots” and the hospitals to actually treat people correctly. We have a ways to go, I’m afraid. But at least we’re on the right path now.
I was especially angry/disappointed with pastors who fell for this. They literally should have demonstrated their faith, and how it overcomes fear, but most of them just went right along with it all.
I think that covid might have been a necessary part of the plan. It was a soft preview of the sort of total government and societal intrusion and control into your private life that they had planned for us, but were trying to slow boil to get to that point in order to keep us asleep. Covid, a stolen election, 4 humiliating years of a puppet president who was the ever changing figurehead of a parasitic and seemingly omnipotent bureaucracy whose entire stated goal was to make your modern life impossible until you are living like a hunted animal in the jungle. I think people really needed to wake the fuck up and start paying attention. I wonder if Trump is just the figurehead and if our real masters are simply another ancient faction of vampire lords who possibly adopted a different governing strategy and are just winning a civil war amongst themselves. That would fall in line with how Aristotle said most oligarchies fall,
Politicians, governors, doctors, nurses, lawyers, anyone with a position of authority has lost ALL respect because of what they did during Covid. And to top it off about 50% of the population just ran off the cliff like lemmings because the TV told them to. I felt like i somehow walked thru a portal to an alternate world without knowing it.
This is me👆. Add pastors/clergy, educators, and law enforcement. No one who fell for and enforced covid policy gets my respect. I’m still waiting for the pharmacy’s to take down their “free covid shots” and the hospitals to actually treat people correctly. We have a ways to go, I’m afraid. But at least we’re on the right path now.
I was especially angry/disappointed with pastors who fell for this. They literally should have demonstrated their faith, and how it overcomes fear, but most of them just went right along with it all.
I think that covid might have been a necessary part of the plan. It was a soft preview of the sort of total government and societal intrusion and control into your private life that they had planned for us, but were trying to slow boil to get to that point in order to keep us asleep. Covid, a stolen election, 4 humiliating years of a puppet president who was the ever changing figurehead of a parasitic and seemingly omnipotent bureaucracy whose entire stated goal was to make your modern life impossible until you are living like a hunted animal in the jungle. I think people really needed to wake the fuck up and start paying attention. I wonder if Trump is just the figurehead and if our real masters are simply another ancient faction of vampire lords who possibly adopted a different governing strategy and are just winning a civil war amongst themselves. That would fall in line with how Aristotle said most oligarchies fall,