Officials at one Colorado school district help student declare herself homeless before moving in with teacher
The Jefferson County School District is apologizing to the parents of a Columbine High School student after school officials helped the student lie on a federal form and then hid it from her parents so she could move in with a teacher.
Columbine, eh?
I wonder if that's a heavy cult area. Mk ultra, satanic stuff, yall know the drill.
I bet it is.
I think Dean Koontz has a book about that area. LOL
Love me some Dean Koontz. Up to about 5 or so years ago, I've read pretty much every one of his novels.
Odd Thomas is a great series, IMO.
I know a few Koontz books are set in Colorado. I'll have to see which ones.
Stephen King can eat shit.
I love Koontz a lot better than King. Used to like some of King too but knowing his dark secrets really turn me off and make me see why he wrote such dark books.
I know about Odd Thomas.
Same. Won't ever read King again. Pedo motherfucker.
Dean Koontz is one of my favorites. His Autobiography is an interesting read also.