51 EXTREMELY IMPORTANT 🚨TikTok user (celestiedabestie) has created a site that gives updated ICE information all throughout America - gives their exact locations and details of spottings so illegals avoid ICE officers (twitter.com) posted 35 days ago by GDZeus 35 days ago by GDZeus +52 / -1 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
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TikTok user (celestiedabestie) has created a site that gives updated ICE information all throughout America
This gives their exact locations and details of spottings so illegal immigrants can avoid ICE officers and deportations
This is a very in depth tool, this video explains how it works. THIS MUST BE STOPPED
Username: celestiedabestie Co-Creator of People Over Papers Site is called: ICE MAPS | MAPAS DE INMIGRACION Website URL: https://padlet.com/PeopleoverPapers/people-over-papers-anonymous-an-nimo-lf0l47ljszbto2uj
(For website to work, paste it in your browser and remove all spaces)
The website in the post leads to a FB page with one post on it, links to the Ice Map...