Just wanted to pop in and tell you all about the win I got with my dog today.
Wish I could tell you exactly what this is, but i don't know if I'll ever know. It started back in late September of 2023. I can't remember why now, but he had a blood test and his ALP was 304. Got it tested again a month later, it was 312. The vet thought he might have been getting over a doggie flu or something. He's healthy and a young dog ( 4 yr old). Vet puts him on a liver supplement, and an antibiotic, and tells us to check it again in a couple months. ALP comes back 456. We try diet change, refill the supplement, et cetera. Next ALP is 420. We wait two more months and test him again. January 2nd, his ALP value is 829.
We tested him for Cushings which came up negative. He had an ultra sound which revealed a small portion of his liver had a white area, but was otherwise normal looking. Everything else is normal. Dr wants to refer him to another vet/medical center for a liver biopsy. I told him I've heard a lot of good things about Ivermectin, and would he be willing to prescribe it to see if it might help anything before we go the biopsy route.
Vet says, nope, and he wouldn't prescribe it unless the biopsy diagnosis came back and called for it, specifically. But, he would give me a different antibiotic to try and he didn't think that would work. I said, okay, let's try the different antibiotic.
Me and my buddy go home. I figured we've got nothing to lose before we have to get this biopsy done. I kept him on the liver supplement (denamarin), but I start giving him horse paste at night before bed, every night.
I marked off 1 notch which is supposed to be equivalent for 50 lbs, then I cut it in half and figure that's about right. My buddy weighs 15 lbs, but I wanted to error slightly over rather than not enough, and prayed. I didn't bother with the antibiotic since I could try that while I'm waiting for the referral to the other vet.
Took him back today to get checked again, and his ALP liver value is down from 829 to 273!! (Vet says the preferred range is under 212.) I'm so glad and grateful to God! The vet thinks it's his antibiotic and was happy with the result prescribed it for two more weeks.
I can't tell him his antibiotic did nothing, and that it's the ivermectin 1.87% paste all along. I wish I knew what the liver problem really is. I also hope it's cured permanently and maybe I never know. At any rate, he's getting two more weeks of ivermectin and then I'll test him again. I'll let you know what happens.
Glad your my doing well!!!
Gave ivermectin to a 8 week old pup with “parvo” negative on a worm test positive on a “parvo” test. Next day pup shit out a GIANT tape worm would have been the majority of its intestines taken up by the Judaic monster and within an hour of that was a happy spritely puppy again. Safe to say I do not believe in parvo anymore.
Sisters dog has brain tumour, ordered frenbenz to her door. Has yet to dose him with it :/
Holy moley! Very interesting. I will remember this! Parvo is dreadful.
I know ivermectin affects stomach flu so why not an intestinal issue like parvo? My son got stomach flu and took one dose of ivermectin and the flu symptoms left in 3 hrs.