Here's something that irritates the doodah out of me. I don't think they should have received big fat juicy severance packages along with their pink slips. If I owned a business, and my employees were embezzling funds or stealing me blind, I would file charges against them, not pay them to leave my company and send them away with lots of cash and prizes. There is no end of the world apocalypse for them at all. They are all just simply going on a nice long vacation while the rest of us continue to work our tails off waiting for "our ship to come in someday". Sorry, not sorry. No pity for them at all.
Here's something that irritates the doodah out of me. I don't think they should have received big fat juicy severance packages along with their pink slips. If I owned a business, and my employees were embezzling funds or stealing me blind, I would file charges against them, not pay them to leave my company and send them away with lots of cash and prizes. There is no end of the world apocalypse for them at all. They are all just simply going on a nice long vacation while the rest of us continue to work our tails off waiting for "our ship to come in someday". Sorry, not sorry. No pity for them at all.