I have read that the body identifies lead much like calcium and stores it away in the bones only to have it leech out when the woman’s body is growing a baby or breast-feeding. Have you heard of anything like this? Did you find out where the lead came from?
Ferritin is sort of like the storage of iron. Your blood levels of hemoglobin and iron can look good but your ferritin can be low, causing all kinds of issues. It’s a very easy test to get. However, it’s not part of a regular CBC. I’ve always had to ask for it to be added on to my blood panel or onto my children’s blood panel, but it’s always been approved.
I have read that the body identifies lead much like calcium and stores it away in the bones only to have it leech out when the woman’s body is growing a baby or breast-feeding. Have you heard of anything like this? Did you find out where the lead came from?
Ferritin is sort of like the storage of iron. Your blood levels of hemoglobin and iron can look good but your ferritin can be low, causing all kinds of issues. It’s a very easy test to get. However, it’s not part of a regular CBC. I’ve always had to ask for it to be added on to my blood panel or onto my children’s blood panel, but it’s always been approved.