Not so fast. In their society it is considered OK to cheat on a spouse, to have sex with an underage, even if the law is against it. Married Sugar daddies proudly demonstrates their very young girl friends, girls are on lookout for sponsors. Husbands beat wives, especially when drunk, and women don't have the level of protection like we do. Russians did not support harsher punishment for pedos few years ago and are fine with sexualizing the teens. Of course, not all are like that, but a rudimentary soviet attitude to women is still strong, like it is a woman fault if she is raped. Yes, they are not into guys and trannies, but an attitude to women as subjects is still strong and it was caused by huge loss of males during all wars the last century. The remaining men had a big pool and demands to choose from
Age of consent is low 16 but you can be sure that if adult man has sexual relations with someone under 18, it's considered negative thing.
"Married Sugar daddies proudly demonstrates their very young girl friends, girls are on lookout for sponsors"
This is much more common in the west.
"Husbands beat wives"
Actually positive thing. Women should respect & obey their husbands and if they don't then men should be allowed to punish their wifes. But actually this doesn't really happen that much anymore.
It's not like it wasn't anything odd even in the west just a few decades ago... heck, even raping your wife was legal in Finland until it was made illegal in 1990s and even the previous president Niinistö opposed the law that made it illegal.
"women don't have the level of protection like we do"
Not so fast. In their society it is considered OK to cheat on a spouse, to have sex with an underage, even if the law is against it. Married Sugar daddies proudly demonstrates their very young girl friends, girls are on lookout for sponsors. Husbands beat wives, especially when drunk, and women don't have the level of protection like we do. Russians did not support harsher punishment for pedos few years ago and are fine with sexualizing the teens. Of course, not all are like that, but a rudimentary soviet attitude to women is still strong, like it is a woman fault if she is raped. Yes, they are not into guys and trannies, but an attitude to women as subjects is still strong and it was caused by huge loss of males during all wars the last century. The remaining men had a big pool and demands to choose from
In who's society? Russian?
"OK to cheat on a spouse"
it's not.
"to have sex with an underage"
Age of consent is low 16 but you can be sure that if adult man has sexual relations with someone under 18, it's considered negative thing.
"Married Sugar daddies proudly demonstrates their very young girl friends, girls are on lookout for sponsors"
This is much more common in the west.
"Husbands beat wives"
Actually positive thing. Women should respect & obey their husbands and if they don't then men should be allowed to punish their wifes. But actually this doesn't really happen that much anymore.
It's not like it wasn't anything odd even in the west just a few decades ago... heck, even raping your wife was legal in Finland until it was made illegal in 1990s and even the previous president Niinistö opposed the law that made it illegal.
"women don't have the level of protection like we do"
As bible says, women were made to serve men.
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That escalated quickly...