posted ago by lovecymru ago by lovecymru +34 / -0

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  • Resignation Tracking - February 18, 2025 [2]

@FDAfood Deputy Commissioner Jim Jones + 89 Terminations

@TheJusticeDept Criminal Prosecutor Denise Cheung Colorado State Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis (@sonyajlewis) Four @NYCMayor Eric Adams Deputies ↙️

1⃣First Deputy Mayor Maria Torres-Springer

2⃣Deputy Mayor For @HHSGov Anne Williams-Isom

3⃣Deputy Mayor of Operations Meera Joshi

4⃣Deputy Mayor of Public Safety Chauncey Parker@DHSgov 405 Terminations Including ↙️

1⃣130 @CISAgov

2⃣200 @fema

@forestservice 3,000 Terminations

@DeptVetAffairs 1,000 Terminations

Canadian Bishop Jean-Pierre Blais

Food head at FDA quits citing Trump administration’s mass staff cuts From: @guardian

"The head of the food division at the @US_FDA has quit in protest over sweeping staff cuts that he warns will hamper the agency’s ability to protect public health.

Jim Jones, who joined the agency in September 2023, cited “indiscriminate” layoffs to 89 staff members, including key technical experts. In his resignation letter to the acting @FDA commissioner,

Sara Brenner, seen by Bloomberg News, Jones said the cuts would make it “fruitless” to continue in his role given the Trump administration’s “disdain for the very people” needed to implement food safety reforms."

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