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- Resignation Tracking - February 18, 2025 [2]
@FDAfood Deputy Commissioner Jim Jones + 89 Terminations
@TheJusticeDept Criminal Prosecutor Denise Cheung Colorado State Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis (@sonyajlewis) Four @NYCMayor Eric Adams Deputies ↙️
1⃣First Deputy Mayor Maria Torres-Springer
2⃣Deputy Mayor For @HHSGov Anne Williams-Isom
3⃣Deputy Mayor of Operations Meera Joshi
4⃣Deputy Mayor of Public Safety Chauncey Parker@DHSgov 405 Terminations Including ↙️
1⃣130 @CISAgov
2⃣200 @fema
@forestservice 3,000 Terminations
@DeptVetAffairs 1,000 Terminations
Canadian Bishop Jean-Pierre Blais
Food head at FDA quits citing Trump administration’s mass staff cuts From: @guardian
- Tue 18 Feb 2025 15.59 GMT https://theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/18/fda-food-head-quits-trump…
"The head of the food division at the @US_FDA has quit in protest over sweeping staff cuts that he warns will hamper the agency’s ability to protect public health.
Jim Jones, who joined the agency in September 2023, cited “indiscriminate” layoffs to 89 staff members, including key technical experts. In his resignation letter to the acting @FDA commissioner,
Sara Brenner, seen by Bloomberg News, Jones said the cuts would make it “fruitless” to continue in his role given the Trump administration’s “disdain for the very people” needed to implement food safety reforms."
Q Drops Referring To Resignation Tracking:
Add this one too. BREAKING: The head of the Postal Service, Louis Dejoy is stepping down.
I think a whole bunch of these are the result of them having been served subpoenas from congress to testify at hearings and they are jumping ship to avoid giving testimony.
Gee, how long have you been in office and yet you failed to protect water from fluoride, sky's from chemtrails, food from pesticides and weed killers like Roundup, meat from improper feeding and poisonous vaxxes....dare we go on? All those fired act like they are noble and have done such a great job. BS, you let people get poisoned! You looked the other way or got paid to not look. You did nothing for Americans. You participated in genocide. We pray you're not just fired, but prosecuted for your crimes.
Here's some more exits...
1/3/25: Trump fired 30 corrupt (J6 prosecutor) federal DA’s in DC’s US Atty office
1/25/25: Trump fired 17 Inspector Generals
2/11/25: NIH Deputy Dir. abruptly resigned
The #2 (Dr. Tabak) at NIH abruptly resigned on 2/11/25 (2 days before RFK Jr.’s confirmation)…
The No. 2 in command at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. Lawrence A. Tabak, who served as acting director of the agency during the COVID-19 pandemic, has abruptly resigned.
Tabak, 73, has been at the NIH for 25 years, first serving as director of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research before eventually becoming the NIH's principal deputy director in 2010, which is the second-in-command at the agency. Tabak also served during transitional periods as acting director, including during the COVID era when he was regularly grilled by Republicans, alongside Dr. Anthony Fauci, over the NIH's response.
"I write to inform you that I have retired from government service, effective today, 2/11/2025," Tabak wrote in an email, reportedly circulated to staff at the NIH, earlier this week. The note did not explain the reason for his departure.
2/15/25: Approx. 5,200 people fired from NIH & CDC
Within a day of his Dir. of Health & Human Services confirmation, RFK Jr. has fired approx. 5,200 people across the NIH (Nat'l Institutes of Health) & CDC (Center for Disease Control & Prevention).
2/14/25: Ross Yeager (a caught and admitted pedo on video), who oversees OSHA in 5 states, should be departing soon:
2/17/25: Michelle King - Acting Commissioner of SSA (Social Security Admin.) - resigned after trying to block DOGE/fraud investigation:
2/6/25: Approx. 9,400 of 10K workers at USAID being put on leave (although a judge is trying to block it):
2/6/25: Head of USAID Samantha Power was fired:
2/11/25: Paul Martin - USAID Inspector General was fired:
2/18/25: Trump fired all remaining U.S. Attorneys appointed by Biden