Elohim is translated as singular “God” when the verb is conjugated in Hebrew as third person singular. Verb conjugation and context cannot be ignored when dealing with foreign languages. Using plural forms to denote singular nouns is a common Hebraicism (e.g. behemoth, mayim/water, shamayim/Heaven, panim/face).
Ignoring the Hebrew context of the Hebrew Scriptures is foolish at best and evil at worst. Paul writes in Romans that the Oracles (i.e. Scriptures) of God are entrusted to the Jews as gifts and callings from God without repentance.
The Canon wasn’t “Selected”. It was recognized. Holy Scriptures were being commonly used by Spirit-filled assemblies en masse and a bunch of self-important muckity mucks were trying to bring in heresies with gnostic forgeries or historical religious books that, although good, were uninspired.
And incidentally “Israel last” is Antichrist’s plan.
One can believe that God is a liar and can’t protect His Word but that is a dangerous game of chicken. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth by bringing to remembrance those things revealed to us through His Son. His Son said not one jot or tittle would pass away from His Torah. Heaven and earth will pass away, He said, but not one of His words would ever pass away. You either believe it or not. Let God be true and every man a liar.
Elohim is translated as singular “God” when the verb is conjugated in Hebrew as third person singular. Verb conjugation and context cannot be ignored when dealing with foreign languages. Using plural forms to denote singular nouns is a common Hebraicism (e.g. behemoth, mayim/water, shamayim/Heaven, panim/face).
Ignoring the Hebrew context of the Hebrew Scriptures is foolish at best and evil at worst. Paul writes in Romans that the Oracles (i.e. Scriptures) of God are entrusted to the Jews as gifts and callings from God without repentance.
The Canon wasn’t “Selected”. It was recognized. Holy Scriptures were being commonly used by Spirit-filled assemblies en masse and a bunch of self-important muckity mucks were trying to bring in heresies with gnostic forgeries or historical religious books that, although good, were uninspired.
And incidentally “Israel last” is Antichrist’s plan.
One can believe that God is a liar and can’t protect His Word but that is a dangerous game of chicken. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth by bringing to remembrance those things revealed to us through His Son. His Son said not one jot or tittle would pass away from His Torah. Heaven and earth will pass away, He said, but not one of His words would ever pass away. You either believe it or not. Let God be true and every man a liar.