Judge and DOJ attorney get into heated exchange over pronouns at Trump transgender military ban hearing
U.S. District Judge Ana C. Reyes told the Justice Department lawyer that "any common sense rational human being understands" that pronoun usage does not impact military readiness.
The judge is a biologist now?
Sure taking on that role now.
I fail to see why anyone here is upset with this obvious ploy to improve the rate of people volunteering for the military.
Declare that there is a shortage of lawyers in the active units and conscript every lunatic judge, posting to be at the CIC's discretion.
Jordan Peterson on why the "Elite" went left:
I like the drafting the lunatic judges idea.
As if I'm going to trust a judge who plays the fantasy pronoun game. GTFO
It's beyond stupid.
She needs a straight jacket!
Back to Bology class for you, Ana!!
Just the Bible would work. Genesis is clear.
Judge vs CINC = no trannies in the military. it's their mental disorder that disrupts things v
LOL. Oh I know.
Leave the executing to the executtive and leave the biology to the scientists.
Mebbe the good judge can explain to us all exactly why gender reassignment surgery offers just 2 choices.
LOL. Yes.
Because a Biden judge obviously knows more about military readiness than military leaders.
Of course she does.