Elon, can you come up with a new way to pave roads where pot holes and cracks become a thing of the past and they last for 100 years before needing maintenance?
After Trump eliminates the IRS and Federal Income Tax, he issues an Executive Order that ALL states, counties and local municipalities must pass a DOGE audit before receiving any Federal money. Those audits happen annually.
Eliminate the power grid. Put free energy devices into buildings to power them. Take down the high tension overhead wires that criss cross the country and are a source of EMG caused cancer, not to mention total eyesores. Use all those right of ways for farming, housing, parks, etc.
Come up with a cheap and easy way to eliminate tattoos.
Develop a free internet and phone service that puts AT&T, Verizon and the rest out of business.
Make identity theft and spam capital crimes.
Complete overhaul of the insurance industry. Medical for sure, but also just insurance. Life, Home, Auto, Flood, Workers Compensation, General Liability etc etc. etc. Its more and more just a mafia style protection racket.
Add up how much of your income goes to insurance!!!
I totally agree. Insurance companies are worth more than most banks.
Any/all elected positions at all levels of governmental (local, state, federal) can serve ONLY two terms in said position elected and then can try for a higher elected position or return back to civilian status.
I say we get flying cars. that would eliminate need for roads, then we could just have trails/rails, etc.
I want free energy too.
I want anti-gravity too.
I think flying cars will be a thing once Tesla gets autonomous driving. They're almost there. Tesla is planning on rolling out self driving taxi's in Austin by June this year. In a year from now it will be rolling out all over the country. The AI behind the self driving car will make it many times safer than a human driver. Once that happens, flying cars will surely be next. This could be coupled with anti-gravity but my guess it will start out with all electric fan jets first.
If an electric car can only travel between 250-300 miles(on average) I'd think a flying car would go less distance due to its weight and areo design. If someone wants to live a hundred miles away from the office, I could see potential in this form of travel, yet if that person wants to go on vacation, say, to the other coast, then there would be real difficulties keeping the flying car charged.
In that case you route the trip via computer to land at charging stations every 100 miles or so. My guess is that by the time flying cars are seriously being developed it would be with a new novel battery or powered by tritium. There's also research being done with fusion as a power source. The newest AI holds promise for helping scientists discover new propulsion methods.
Clean skys please 🙏