California, and 15 other blue states, allow illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses "in the interest of public safety". In California the DMV automatically registers you to vote when you get a license or state-issued ID card, unless you opt out and everybody feigns surprise when illegals turn up of the voter rolls.
Also I personally know 3 people who showed up to vote in-person and were told that they couldn't vote because they already voted. They were all given provisional ballots and allowed to vote on those. All 3 had something in common, they had gone to the DMV in-person to renew their licenses last year.
So if illegals are registered to vote, but don't show up on election day, I strongly suspect some one else votes in their stead and the DMV is complicit in this mess.
We all know this was their plan. They just called us conspiracy theorists. This is why they care so much about the popular vote even though is has no bearing on the election.
California, and 15 other blue states, allow illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses "in the interest of public safety". In California the DMV automatically registers you to vote when you get a license or state-issued ID card, unless you opt out and everybody feigns surprise when illegals turn up of the voter rolls.
Also I personally know 3 people who showed up to vote in-person and were told that they couldn't vote because they already voted. They were all given provisional ballots and allowed to vote on those. All 3 had something in common, they had gone to the DMV in-person to renew their licenses last year.
So if illegals are registered to vote, but don't show up on election day, I strongly suspect some one else votes in their stead and the DMV is complicit in this mess.
When filling out the DMV questions online or in person, voter registration comes before making an appointment for the driving test or driver ID card.
We all know this was their plan. They just called us conspiracy theorists. This is why they care so much about the popular vote even though is has no bearing on the election.