?????? You REALLY need to take biology. Solder Bees are female btw. The few males are pampered and protected. At any rate since you lost the thread I will speak plainly. Something’s are worth the risk. Protecting children is more important than protecting ourselves individually IMHO. FYI fornication is a strictly human concept instinct mating ( which female bees DONT do at 100 feet btw) was designed by God to propagate a species so it really isn’t a moral issue ( fornication requires a moral choice) you might be able to make a case for that with Rapey Dolphins if you would like to prove Dolphins are in fact a higher intelligence. I can wait as you revolutionize the understanding of intelligence as we know it.
You have an opinion I have an opinion take the fear porn out and make a point.The fear based debates that have polluted public discourse need to end if we are all gonna find solutions to the numerous issues we ALL face
But the Queen lives. The young live. Be all you can BEE
Good - Tulsi is the current queen of DNI.
Then Bees fly up 100ft fornicate with the Queen and die
?????? You REALLY need to take biology. Solder Bees are female btw. The few males are pampered and protected. At any rate since you lost the thread I will speak plainly. Something’s are worth the risk. Protecting children is more important than protecting ourselves individually IMHO. FYI fornication is a strictly human concept instinct mating ( which female bees DONT do at 100 feet btw) was designed by God to propagate a species so it really isn’t a moral issue ( fornication requires a moral choice) you might be able to make a case for that with Rapey Dolphins if you would like to prove Dolphins are in fact a higher intelligence. I can wait as you revolutionize the understanding of intelligence as we know it. You have an opinion I have an opinion take the fear porn out and make a point.The fear based debates that have polluted public discourse need to end if we are all gonna find solutions to the numerous issues we ALL face