Title says it all. My parents respectfully called asking me to be diligent in regards to my unvaccinated children. Thought we could get a discussion going. I don’t know much about them except that people in the past have had them and did just fine.
Edit to add: I knew there’d be some seasoned pedes here at GAW that live to tell their measles story. Thank you! I just hope this isn’t some newly released monster strain. We’re at war and crazy mad scientist stuff like wouldn’t surprise me.
I sure hope so, having to make decisions during this psyop hasn’t been for the weak, but I know we are doing right for our kids. You still get scared though when you hear things like this. It’s my sole purpose to keep them safe and I want to make sure I’m well informed.
The only real danger is if your kids become adults and then get the measles. It can make the males sterile. But, there are homeopathic remedies for measles that work. Or, as an adult they can take a vaccine during an outbreak. But, don't give the vaccine to a child. Extremely bad for their immune system.
Yeah, the mmr vaccine is terrible. I bet it’s the one that really amps up autism.
My sons didn't get any vaccines and they were fine. Trust your heart on this one. I too hesitated when the Dr told me the risks. My sons were going into Jr high. I gave them homeopathic remedies for measles. But, I don't know if that was even needed.
Excellent. Just the basic concept, that a pharmaceutical company can "improve" a healthy child's natural immunity, is insane on it's face -- and 100% marketing. Then, there's the issue of them making money treating VAXXX injuries -- that they caused. RFKJr is onto this evil. For the first time, I'm hopeful for VAXXX truth. Thank God for informed parents like you. The next generation depends on them.