But... (sorry, I know I've posted this a couple of times, but I think it needs to still be put out here) ►
God† tells us we're supposed to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven for our own sins. God† also loves justice. So personally I believe that we should forgive them, and I have, but for the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this.
They killed Jesus for far less than what they've done. Why should we forgive them if they are impenetent? Maybe we should give them the Christ treatment but then at the last minute take them down and treat their wounds, and then make them apologize to all of us, and if they don't, then MKULTRA their persona away and raise the new toddler persona into a functional human. Because technically you're not murdering them, so it's ethical. I look at clockwork orange and mkultra very differently now. There's no sense in warehousing a person for 70 yrs in jail, and I think you have to go well beyond proof of wrongdoing and harm to society to justify the state murdering them (because DNA has exonerated cannot have that kind of thing happen again). So the middle way is to erase their ego completely and reformat them.
Agreed! But... (sorry, I know I've posted this a couple of times, but I think it needs to still be put out here) ►
God† tells us we're supposed to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven for our own sins. God† also loves justice. So personally I believe that we should forgive them, and I have, but for the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this.
What if it’s proven they’re not human but actual demons in skin suits? Then do we have to forgive them? I’m joking of course….maybe. 😏
They killed Jesus for far less than what they've done. Why should we forgive them if they are impenetent? Maybe we should give them the Christ treatment but then at the last minute take them down and treat their wounds, and then make them apologize to all of us, and if they don't, then MKULTRA their persona away and raise the new toddler persona into a functional human. Because technically you're not murdering them, so it's ethical. I look at clockwork orange and mkultra very differently now. There's no sense in warehousing a person for 70 yrs in jail, and I think you have to go well beyond proof of wrongdoing and harm to society to justify the state murdering them (because DNA has exonerated cannot have that kind of thing happen again). So the middle way is to erase their ego completely and reformat them.