posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +145 / -1

Someone wrote:

anyone with half a brain would realize that Zelensky is a piece of sh*t for doing what he did.

Ahem. I'm going to play Devil's Avocado. I'm going to offer a very different interpretation of these events. I suggest it might be rough going for some. I'm going to ask frogs to take off their emotional thinking caps, and put on the hard, analytical, critical thinking caps that incorporate the following points:

A) "We have it all" Q1765

B) "Playbook known" Q4738

C) "What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?" Q140

D "The perfect phone call"

The underlying premise of the following interpretation is that the White Hats (let's call them Team Trump) have a massive amount of evidence all locked away and secured, everything they need to destroy the Cabal internationally and the DS nationally. When the NSA was weaponized by the DS puppets (Bush and Obama), this capacity was flipped to be able to gather all the evidence necessary by the White Hats behind the scenes. So, the spies became the spied on.

We have it all

This would mean that Team Trump knew:

How corrupt the Biden family was, what activities Hunter was involved in, in both Ukraine and CCP China, and how the Cabal has been using Ukraine as a proxy state to i) attack Russia, who knows the true nature of the NWO (“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan” Q133) ii) develop bio weapons, traffic humans, including children, iii) as a money laundering operation in cooperation with the Cabal (NWO) and oligarchs in Ukraine and Russia.

It also is very easy to assume that Team Trump knew all about the color revolution in the Ukraine in 2013/14.

Playbook known

Trump Team know how the Cabal works, how the DS works, how their operators work, and coupled with knowing WHAT the Cabal and DS have been doing, this becomes a formidable capacity to intercept, undermine and attach the Cabal/DS.

In other words, Team Trump knew that Zelenski had been put into power in Ukraine as a puppet by the Cabal via the Oligarchs, specifically Kolomoiskyi. And, 'having it all' meant that Team Trump had leverage against the puppets and the players. They could maneuver and go on the attack.

So, how to take out this critical Cabal hive Ukraine, while maintaining optics and the 'normal world' view that normies are still brainwashed in to (in other words, while still acting on the battlefield defined by the Cabal and the normie propaganda media)?

What if China, Russia, and others...

Through Q, we've been able to track the very significant developments in Saudi Arabia, with the crown prince there. The destruction of the Cabal controlled arm in SA, and the establishment of a White Hat aligned (sovereignty aligned) regime there (which incidentally, became pivotal to achieving the Abraham accords and which will in turn play a pivotal part in stabilizing the Middle East problem and bringing to and end the Cabal control in the region, which is enacted via both radical Islam and Israeli DS forces.)

For Team Trump or the larger sovereign alliance including Putin, China etc, to take out Ukraine, a few conditions were necessary: Russia needed to come in and clean the country of its bioweapon and other corrupt operations including the Azov Nazi regime. Trump could NOT be in office, because a Russian operation in Ukraine could only be painted as evil by the NWO Cabal, in the public battlefield, Trump HAS to be a commander from strength.

The idea here is that the operation to clean out Ukraine has involved coordination between Team Trump and the Russian White Hats. So what about Zelenski?

The perfect phone call

Another premise I will inject here is that Team Trump knew that the Uniparty DS in the US would attempt to remove him via impeachment. They also knew that Biden + Ukraine was the perfect combination to expose the nature of DS corruption and how it works with overseas proxies. Getting Biden into office would create the most intense period of red pilling that America has ever had.

"Son of a bitch, they fired him!" Biden was very clearly on record fully embodying "Quid pro quo" expressly with the Ukrainian rulers. So, how about that phone call between Zelenski and Trump? It became the basis for the 'quid pro quo' impeachment narrative, one that Team Trump had to know was a massive liability for the DS, because it was Biden, not Trump, that did it.

Also, Zelenski, put in place as a Cabal puppet, had to know how dangerous Donald Trump was to his masters. He had to know. So, he could very easily have compromised Trump, said things in the phone call that made big problems. instead, as DJT said, it was "the perfect phone call". And, a perfect phone call really has to take two. It cannot be a perfect phone call if one side is attempting to destroy the other.

The premise here is that at some point before this phone call, Zelenski became a captured piece. Installed as a Cabal puppet, he was captured by the White Hats, given a way to save his head, by flipping. It doesn't mean Zelenski is a good guy. It means, he was captured and then utilized against his former masters.

Does this make sense?

Who, to the American people, has been the greatest red pill distributor after Biden? It's Zelenski. All the money flowing to Ukraine under him, big red pill. And we can see how this is playing into Trump's strategy, with a) using DOGE at some point to track down all the funds, most of which will have been laundered, or pilfered, and exposes that corruption to the American people (and the world) and b) securing rare mineral rights in Ukraine to reimburse America.

Do you start to see the bigger picture forming here?

Has Zelenski been good for the Awakening, or Bad

What about in Ukraine. Has Zelenski been good for the Cabal over the past 5 years, or what? Under Zelenski, Kolomoyskyi - the very oligarch who put Zelenski in place - has been arrested on charges of fraud and money laundering.

From what I have heard, and others may have to verify this, under Zelenski, the Azov battalion and nazi regime that had overtaken Ukraine has been decimated in the war.

Remember when Zelenski went to the European summit and all the DS Euro leaders turned a cold shoulder to him? Why? If he was their man, doing what they wanted, why would they turn a cold shoulder to him? Was it because they finally figured out, "oh, shit, he's gone to the other side. He's doing what THEY tell him to, and it's screwing up everything we want!"

It's worth considering, in conjunction with everything else that Zelenski has done and been the past 5 years. But of course, this requires disengaging from the "hate Zelenski" narrative that the White Hats have been pumping BECAUSE it is necessary to the plan. Because they have needed to make him a hated figure, to build the case for MAGA and anti-corruption and an end to foreign aid, etc.

In the 5G war, what often looks bad for us is actually very good. Biden's disastrous term. The DNC going full overboard on ultra radicalized neomarxist wokism. Even the WEF's Great Reset initiative had been exposed to the world and many around the world woken up. Zelenski's activities during the whole last 4 years have made him a perfect "heel" (i.e. in Kayfabe world of Wrestling, the 'villain' who everyone loves to hate) for Americans. They despise him now.

So, here is an alternative interpretation to yesterday's events in the Oval office.

Devil's Avocado

Zelenski is playing a role that the White Hats gave to him before the end of Trump Admin #1. He was captured, hijacked, and much like Sleepy Joe, has been actively creating red pills for America all while appearing to be, on the surface, working for the Black Hats / DS / Cabal. This is how you utilize an opponent’s piece to accelerate their destruction.

But, Zelenski's role is now almost finished. Trump has returned to the Oval Office, the war in Ukraine needs to end. Ukraine needs to be reset, and not on Cabal lines, but along the lines of a nation restored to a state that serves the interests of freedom, sovereignty and peace (not blackmail, corruption and trafficking/laundering).

So, how to get Zelenski out? How to do this in a way that works optically, all the while advancing the dual agenda of ending the way AND restoring Ukraine to the White Hat side (which it would have been in 2014 if the C_A and DS had not undermined the country with a color revolution and installed the Cabal puppet Poroshenko instead of the Russia friendly Yanukovych)?

The Steps

One, make Zelenski a big failure, unable to end the war.

Two, make his demands so unpalatable that the American public loses all feeling of support for Zelenski.

Three, prepare the way for NEW ELECTIONS in Ukraine, elections that are NOT tainted or rigged by the Cabal. Reset the country, with the Azov Nazi/ Oligarch regimes neutered and destroyed by the war and by actions taken during the Zelenski period.

Four, end the war and Restore Ukraine as it should be.

Since about a year ago, if I recall correctly, there have been rumblings in Ukraine about getting Zelenski removed. What if, all the time during the Zelenski period, the laundered money was being tracked by the White hats, and under cover of a 'dictator' who suspended elections and banned political parties and attacked religion, the White Hats worked to dismantle the Cabal operations and infrastructure in Ukraine?

IF this was all done, then it would make a lot of sense to - after Trump's return to the White House - discredit Zelenski further, his usefulness having been consumed, and pave the way for a new, restored Ukraine, one that the Globalist Cabal cannot control.

So, I think it is worth considering this: today's unprecedented uproar in the Oval office, done, mind you in FULL VIEW of the World Media, was planned from before, and executed as planned. Zelenski was given the direction: you will now implode. you will rant, make a fool of yourself, and fall on your sword.

"You will be removed in Ukraine, and Ukraine will be restored. You are no longer needed. If you do this part well, then we might just make things a bit easier for you."

Team Trump are the MASTERS, the absolute masters of (good) psyops and narrative warfare. They have been running circles around the DS and Cabal for years and years. What are the chances that yesterday's exchange was NOT a deployment?

So, here are some interesting developments worth also thinking about:

"Three years into Russia's full-scale invasion, a Ukrainian pro-Russian lawmaker resurfaces in Kyiv untouched by authorities"


I don't know this guy from Jack Russell, but the headline "untouched by authorities" shouts volumes in a country where the dictatorial regime has been rounding up and arresting oligarchs, destroying Nazis via war, etc.

Last week, Trump called Zelenski "a dictator". Why did he do that? He was laying the foundations for the narrative. "Did I say that?" (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2025/feb/27/did-i-say-that-donald-trump-denies-calling-zelenskyy-a-dictator-video) Classic Trump.

Musk seeding narrative for elections in Ukraine a few days ago. How about that?


Cabal mouthpiece Atlantic pushes the narrative: 'Democratic Ukrainians BUT 'resoundingly' reject wartime elections.


Sometimes you can tell what's going on by what Team Trump are seeing narrative-wise and what the Cabal instruments (DNC, Propaganda Media, WEF etc.) are against.

I don't think Zelenski was a wild card going off - out of control - in the Oval Office. Rather, I am strongly considering that this was a deployment planned out by Team Trump, to achieve a number of things, with the ultimate trajectory being a removal of Puppet Zelenski from power, the restoration of peace in the Ukraine, and the restoration of Ukraine to be a nation not controlled by the Cabal.

If I'm right, it means this is the culmination of a 5+ year plan by the White Hats to clean out Ukraine, destroy the Cabal influence there, and advance the global awakening.

Is it a coincidence that all the Cabal minions around the world are coming out to support Zelenski? Flushing out the Deep State to expose them even more?


In the midst of 5G war, we should ALWAYS take into consideration that the White Hats have effective and pervasive plans that simply are NOT seen on the surface. We should always consider the effects of the actions of certain players, rather than what they 'appear' to be.

I'm just offering an alternative here. I'm not suggesting in any way that Zelenski is a good guy, only that he has been a captured and controlled piece in the game.

I'm also offering a view that seeks to remove the emotional responses to the surface narratives, and which (hopefully) adopts a broad and encompassing perspective that promotes disengagement from the narrative war, to become an observer of the narratives, not a target.

Either way, wwg1wga...

Ref: Why what Zelensky did was such a d*ck maneuver