I've heard the UK doesn't have very many at all, and would mostly have to depend on the US for upkeep/maintenance and possibly even targeting and intel. France - no idea.
Neither one has anywhere near enough to use them effectively in a war (if such a thing is even possible). The thing that really worries me is - if all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. That is how WWIII could happen. If Europe pushed for another war they wouldn't have enough soldiers to win more than 1 or 2 battles with a big foe. As soon as some dumbass gets scared and pops off a nuke it is over.
Agreed. My point (that I didn't make very well) was they don't have enough to take out what would need to be taken out in a world war including Russia, China, the Middle East, and North America. They would be kind of like a North Korea, but without the benefit of a huge army.
Without the protection of our nuclear umbrella they would be more likely to launch a nuke. As soon as they launched one they would be obliterated.
I've heard the UK doesn't have very many at all, and would mostly have to depend on the US for upkeep/maintenance and possibly even targeting and intel. France - no idea.
Neither one has anywhere near enough to use them effectively in a war (if such a thing is even possible). The thing that really worries me is - if all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. That is how WWIII could happen. If Europe pushed for another war they wouldn't have enough soldiers to win more than 1 or 2 battles with a big foe. As soon as some dumbass gets scared and pops off a nuke it is over.
I've heard the UK doesn't have very many at all
When it comes to Thermo Nuclear---it don't take a whole bunch to turn the entire world back to the stone age!
Agreed. My point (that I didn't make very well) was they don't have enough to take out what would need to be taken out in a world war including Russia, China, the Middle East, and North America. They would be kind of like a North Korea, but without the benefit of a huge army.
Without the protection of our nuclear umbrella they would be more likely to launch a nuke. As soon as they launched one they would be obliterated.