Are you new to this? Or are you a tree in a cliff? Hm.
Optics is easy to understand. The economy from the Biden years pushed Trump to the win. Now he's on a tear to complete his task in four years. Part of that task involves waking the rest of the people up to just how criminal our global government is.
What do I mean? Well, let's take a look at Optics:
I saw an interview tonight where Ilhan Omar was telling the interviewer that Minnesota will go dark without the electricity that Canada sells them. This is a pants-on-head level of bullshit. But that's what the news is highlighting about the Tariffs about to hit Canada. Not the huge amount of Fentanyl being manufactured by Chinese agents running gangs and laundering drug money through Canada. Nope. MN will be in the dark ages. BECAUSE OF TRUMP. It doesn't matter that we can literally produce over 130% of our electrical demand, but don't because of government interference in the name of "climate change" and our grid is interconnected, so we can generate it anywhere in the US and feed MN's grid to keep them from having to drink toilet water. Nope. MN is literally already doomed, guiz.
Taking that level of bullshit, what do you think would happen if the FBI agent in charge wasn't forced to resign? I can see the headlines: 'Epstein docs released, but this poor FBI agent who only ever wanted to fight crime and is as pure as the driven snow won't see his children this winter because of TRUMP, the evilest man who ever eviled.'
So, what's more important? Some midlevel agent that can toss in the slammer in a year or releasing the Epstein information?
No, I'm not new to this. Didn't you read where I spoke of what people here have been saying for the past 4 years?
My point is that the story keeps changing. Want me to point you to conversations saying that, because of optics, Biden was supposed to completely tank the economy and everyone was supposed to suffer miserably in a collapsed economy with a failed fiat system, and only when things got that bad would all the normies realize how horrible liberals are and will vote in Trump, who would fix everything as soon as he was in office.
But now, things are supposed to get even worse, again, for optics? Because we still need normies to see how bad things get?
Sometimes I wonder if I just have a remarkable memory, that I can remember all these things, or if everyone else just has the memory span of a goldfish.
This movement has been around for more than 4 years, though, and you ignored all of my points.
What is the right answer to getting out of bed in the morning? In general, the answer is 'you should get your ass up'. But tomorrow, it's learned that you are an asymptomatic carrier for typhoid. Why do you then get mad at the people who were trying to help what they thought was depression and guided you to the wrong choice?
If you've been here, then you know that this isn't the Church. There is not a line of doctrine, and many have views that are inconsistent or downright at odds of others.
You fell for date faggers and those that had theories that didn't pan out. Instead of lashing out at other theories, why did they not pan out? What parts are true and what parts were false? Use your memory - do you remember a time like now where so many accepted a conspiracy theory as fact against the MSM's narrative?
Are you new to this? Or are you a tree in a cliff? Hm.
Optics is easy to understand. The economy from the Biden years pushed Trump to the win. Now he's on a tear to complete his task in four years. Part of that task involves waking the rest of the people up to just how criminal our global government is.
What do I mean? Well, let's take a look at Optics:
I saw an interview tonight where Ilhan Omar was telling the interviewer that Minnesota will go dark without the electricity that Canada sells them. This is a pants-on-head level of bullshit. But that's what the news is highlighting about the Tariffs about to hit Canada. Not the huge amount of Fentanyl being manufactured by Chinese agents running gangs and laundering drug money through Canada. Nope. MN will be in the dark ages. BECAUSE OF TRUMP. It doesn't matter that we can literally produce over 130% of our electrical demand, but don't because of government interference in the name of "climate change" and our grid is interconnected, so we can generate it anywhere in the US and feed MN's grid to keep them from having to drink toilet water. Nope. MN is literally already doomed, guiz.
Taking that level of bullshit, what do you think would happen if the FBI agent in charge wasn't forced to resign? I can see the headlines: 'Epstein docs released, but this poor FBI agent who only ever wanted to fight crime and is as pure as the driven snow won't see his children this winter because of TRUMP, the evilest man who ever eviled.'
So, what's more important? Some midlevel agent that can toss in the slammer in a year or releasing the Epstein information?
No, I'm not new to this. Didn't you read where I spoke of what people here have been saying for the past 4 years?
My point is that the story keeps changing. Want me to point you to conversations saying that, because of optics, Biden was supposed to completely tank the economy and everyone was supposed to suffer miserably in a collapsed economy with a failed fiat system, and only when things got that bad would all the normies realize how horrible liberals are and will vote in Trump, who would fix everything as soon as he was in office.
But now, things are supposed to get even worse, again, for optics? Because we still need normies to see how bad things get?
Sometimes I wonder if I just have a remarkable memory, that I can remember all these things, or if everyone else just has the memory span of a goldfish.
This movement has been around for more than 4 years, though, and you ignored all of my points.
What is the right answer to getting out of bed in the morning? In general, the answer is 'you should get your ass up'. But tomorrow, it's learned that you are an asymptomatic carrier for typhoid. Why do you then get mad at the people who were trying to help what they thought was depression and guided you to the wrong choice?
If you've been here, then you know that this isn't the Church. There is not a line of doctrine, and many have views that are inconsistent or downright at odds of others.
You fell for date faggers and those that had theories that didn't pan out. Instead of lashing out at other theories, why did they not pan out? What parts are true and what parts were false? Use your memory - do you remember a time like now where so many accepted a conspiracy theory as fact against the MSM's narrative?