posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +281 / -0

The correspondence from the patient, including test results, is in text images, so not reproduced here.


Dr. Makis' summary comments:

My Take…

This is absolutely wild!

46 year old patient with progressive bone metastases diagnosed in Sep.2023 had increasing CA125 that peaked at 248 on Oct.9, 2024.

She started taking Ivermectin 0.5mg/kg and Fenbendazole 800mg on her own on Oct.9, 2024 and her CA125 decreased from 248 to 112, but then it started rising again and rose to 187 with increasing bone pain in pelvis/femur.

She started the Makis Ivermectin Cancer Clinic Protocol of Ivermectin 2mg/kg/day (144-160mg) and Mebendazole 1500mg on Dec.4, 2024 with CA125 187.

By Feb.17, 2025, her CA125 has dropped from 187 to 58.1 and her Feb.24, 2025 PET/CT shows “No evidence of disease. Previously identified hypermetabolic bone lesions have resolved.”

Not even 3 months.

Now that’s incredible!

EDIT: Here's a new post by Dr. Makis about the Canadian judge who is trying to silence him and keep this information hidden:


Here is the Judge who ordered the raid on my STRIPE Account and theft of my Twitter income, Substack income and GivesendGo $210,000 Legal Fund! Justice Avril Inglis.

Justice Avril Inglis conspired with Alberta Health Services to commit fraud in Court and extort and threaten my family in violation of the Criminal Code of Canada. She ordered the raid on my STRIPE account and theft of the only income my family has, two days after Twitter Support recovered my account from hackers who deleted 44,000 of my Twitter posts on the same morning.

I suspect Alberta Health Services lawyers who conspired with Justice Avril Inglis to extort me and my family, also hired the hackers to destroy my Twitter account. This Judge spent 4 years running up the extortion Court costs on behalf of Alberta Health Services, by issuing one fraudulent Court Order after another.

I’ve had to deal with abuse from this Judge since 2021 when she was “suddenly” assigned to oversee my $13.5 million lawsuit against AHS and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta. She has been sabotaging my lawsuit ever since.

The AHS Lawyers who threatened me with 83 days imprisonment applied directly to her so she could issue yet another fraudulent Court Order.

She was also the 1st Judge appointed in Alberta by Justin Trudeau in 2016 after he was elected Prime Minister of Canada.