It was so clear they were coached, by whomever their sub-mediocre leader is, to not applaud or stand no matter what was said. I did see some along the aisle clapping, but that could've been overflow from Rep side. They are all ugly beings.... absolutely hideous and their scowls are uniformly the same. Just like Orcs.
It was so clear they were coached, by whomever their sub-mediocre leader is, to not applaud or stand no matter what was said. I did see some along the aisle clapping, but that could've been overflow from Rep side. They are all ugly beings.... absolutely hideous and their scowls are uniformly the same. Just like Orcs.
Link is missing OP
Memes are ment to be stolen.
If you want credit,you need to post it yourself.
"Capitalization matters..." DEMOCRATS
Ah, thanks for the info. I was looking for a photo, lol.