Noticed something new on the US debt clock app - Assets captured from the "International Banking Cartel" - 7 Trillion! Does anyone know anything about this?
Very Interesting! 🧐

It says real-time running total, which implies that it is a counter that links to a searchable data source or uses an algorithm to calculate the value based on a known or estimated rate. I also wonder where the data for the DOGE savings is collected, because there isn't a running total on the DOGE website. https://doge.gov/savings
I'm not questioning the number, just wondering where the data comes from. Incidentally, it appears that the Income Tax Revenue and Corporate Tax Revenue look greyed out, something I never noticed before.
Wow, just noticing the income tax & corporate tax greyed out. That's new as well. That implies they are past legacy numbers if we go by the rest of the chart.
I have always wondered why the US M2 money supply from 2000 changes.
Yeah, I've wondered that too. I would consider inflation, but as I understand the measurement, it is supposed to show M2 dollars at year 2000 value.