While it was an uncool moment, we should not let have the libtards a field day with it by blaming it on them (let alone as an AsSaSiNaTIoN AtTeMpT)
They'll run with that!
Honestly, if he's within spitting distance of the Lunacrats, he should be behind a protective screen. These people are nuts, and there is no telling what they have access to or what they will try.
all joking aside this could have easily been a paper wad soaked in toxins or poison that can be entered via skin contact, many people joking it's a spit ball but overlooking the actual danger and possible attempt
I am not buying the lone spitter theory on this one. There was more than one spitter, I can assure you.
On the grassey knoll on the left?
Just beyond the grassy knoll is the swamp, I think it came from there.
Looks like his own spit to me.
This is the right answer.
While it was an uncool moment, we should not let have the libtards a field day with it by blaming it on them (let alone as an AsSaSiNaTIoN AtTeMpT) They'll run with that!
Spit happens!
Honestly, if he's within spitting distance of the Lunacrats, he should be behind a protective screen. These people are nuts, and there is no telling what they have access to or what they will try.
They’re possibly processing it for DNA and spitter can be charged.
all joking aside this could have easily been a paper wad soaked in toxins or poison that can be entered via skin contact, many people joking it's a spit ball but overlooking the actual danger and possible attempt
what do you know about poison darts?
it would be hard to KILL someone who has access to that fast of medical care with poison