There are some winners of the world that are so amazing that they changed the world and I remembered forever. For example, the Great Wall of China or the Panama canal.
Imagine you were president and you wanted to use the treasury of the United States and your term and perhaps beyond to create an amazing work of wonder that would make your name go down in history for centuries. I somewhat suspect that might be Trump's mindset.
Here are a few ideas of what a president could possibly achieve if he put all his effort into a wonder of the world.
Irrigate the Southwest: it's possible to divert water from many of the lakes from Canada down to the driest places of America such as nevada. We would have to be careful to ensure that the water supply in Canada remain at the same level but I see this as something feasible.
International highway: this would require building chunnels underground from Alaska. With world cooperation, other channels could possibly be created like wants to connect Japan to Korea and Europe to Africa.
Self-driving car highway: self-driving technology is already here but it is unlikely it will catch on until these cars have their own highway. There's too many decisions that you don't want to leave to a machine, for example does the car turn to hit a bus full of people or does it continue to go straight in Hit through pedestrians? Creating a highway of its own would revolutionize traffic as we know it. It would be the end of traffic jams as all automobiles would move together in conjunction like those drone shows we see. Other expenses would likely plummet, such as automobile insurance and Auto repair.
Mission to Mars: this is something that has been discussed for decades. There is much to learn about mars. We know it used to have water, did it have life? Many of these questions could only be answered by sending humans there. Of course, if we do not continue with space missions, in 60 years now people will be saying it was all faked.
In any case, those are a few ideas I would have if my goal was to make a wonder how the world. What ideas do you have?
Humans are every bit as natural as Niagara Falls monkey boy.
Borders are not secured by roads. They are secured by artillery.
Flying cars: The whole ATC in this country needs to be rethought and pretty much burned to the ground. If flying cars are ever to be widespread they will have to be fully automated. User inputs destination and software takes over all the flying parts. You do collision avoidance locally with on board radar and regionally using something better than ADS-B.