I lack specific detailed information and stand admonished at my failure to fully and accurately report. I’m not factually wrong. Australia did have remote quarantine camps, but my failure to provide a full accounting of how many, how long, and how awful damns me as a source of rumor and innuendo which further admonishes me to shut up completely and get off this site lest I do further damage.
Here's the thing. You're engaged here with an Australian who, at the time, was very active both online in the Q community and offline in my local networks and state, involved with a nationally connected pro-freedom activist group. Moreover, my state here (AUS) was THE nexus of crazy central during that whole period.
It was hell, in many ways.
But precisely because I was here at ground zero, I'm also aware of the clickbait, disinformation and misinformation that was trafficked internationally at the time. People would see one video of one incident, and widely proclaim "Australia is doing XXXX". This sort of thing still happens, but during the scamdemic, that tendency was rife.
Echoes of populations buying up toilet paper.
The "Australia put their population in FEMA-like camps" narrative was a popular one. But the reality wasn't quite like the false image that people raised on FEMA camps to cordon off dissident population stories.
Critical thinking requires factual information. Narratives are powerful, but only when we assign that power to them.
As far as I know, the narrative of the FEMA camps was essentially that this was a network of concentration camps to be utilized for rounding up dissident members of the population. Am I wrong?
I do think your reply here is a well-crafted piece of sarcasm. Kudos. Nonetheless, what you've actually stated is true. You lack specific information, you have failed to accurately report, and as such, you're promoting a flawed narrative on the basis of rumor and innuendo.
aka "The FEMA camps plan. Australia did them."
Not quite.
But, I suggest you should stick around. I don't think you're doing much damage. But I also like busting fake narratives when I see them, so perhaps its a win-win.
Addendum: hey, perhaps I can help you out on the factoid thing a bit. At last count, give or take one or two, in a population of around 26 million, Australia had about 3 or 4 remote quarantine camps. (Inaccurate report, yes, close to the mark.)
There was also that stupid and horrific thing where returning and incoming travelers were quarantine at two city hotel buildings. Of course, a bad, bad idea and that DID do real damage.
In case you want some factual sources, you might want to watch this. It will give you a better picture of the reality that took place over here.
Battleground Melbourne - documentary by freedom activist Topher Fields.
Australia had quarantine camps. That’s a straight up fact. People traveling to Australia were involuntarily confined. It was an alternative to locking them in their hotels which was insufficiently effective. It was just one part of a highly restrictive national zero tolerance for COVID program.
Australia did the camps. It all seems like an elaborate science project. We really are lab rats to them.
How many camps did Australia do? How many population were 'camped'? How long did the camps operate?
Asking for a fren.
I lack specific detailed information and stand admonished at my failure to fully and accurately report. I’m not factually wrong. Australia did have remote quarantine camps, but my failure to provide a full accounting of how many, how long, and how awful damns me as a source of rumor and innuendo which further admonishes me to shut up completely and get off this site lest I do further damage.
Thank you. I’ll show myself out.
kek. Sure.
Here's the thing. You're engaged here with an Australian who, at the time, was very active both online in the Q community and offline in my local networks and state, involved with a nationally connected pro-freedom activist group. Moreover, my state here (AUS) was THE nexus of crazy central during that whole period.
It was hell, in many ways.
But precisely because I was here at ground zero, I'm also aware of the clickbait, disinformation and misinformation that was trafficked internationally at the time. People would see one video of one incident, and widely proclaim "Australia is doing XXXX". This sort of thing still happens, but during the scamdemic, that tendency was rife.
Echoes of populations buying up toilet paper.
The "Australia put their population in FEMA-like camps" narrative was a popular one. But the reality wasn't quite like the false image that people raised on FEMA camps to cordon off dissident population stories.
Critical thinking requires factual information. Narratives are powerful, but only when we assign that power to them.
As far as I know, the narrative of the FEMA camps was essentially that this was a network of concentration camps to be utilized for rounding up dissident members of the population. Am I wrong?
I do think your reply here is a well-crafted piece of sarcasm. Kudos. Nonetheless, what you've actually stated is true. You lack specific information, you have failed to accurately report, and as such, you're promoting a flawed narrative on the basis of rumor and innuendo.
aka "The FEMA camps plan. Australia did them."
Not quite.
But, I suggest you should stick around. I don't think you're doing much damage. But I also like busting fake narratives when I see them, so perhaps its a win-win.
Addendum: hey, perhaps I can help you out on the factoid thing a bit. At last count, give or take one or two, in a population of around 26 million, Australia had about 3 or 4 remote quarantine camps. (Inaccurate report, yes, close to the mark.)
There was also that stupid and horrific thing where returning and incoming travelers were quarantine at two city hotel buildings. Of course, a bad, bad idea and that DID do real damage.
In case you want some factual sources, you might want to watch this. It will give you a better picture of the reality that took place over here.
Battleground Melbourne - documentary by freedom activist Topher Fields.
Also, FYI: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/20/world/australia/howard-springs-quarantine.html
Melbourne (pop around 5.5 million) built one 'quarantine camp' at Mickleham.
So, factually, yes, Australia build a few quarantine camps. No, Australia did not implement the 'FEMA camps' plan.
Australia had quarantine camps. That’s a straight up fact. People traveling to Australia were involuntarily confined. It was an alternative to locking them in their hotels which was insufficiently effective. It was just one part of a highly restrictive national zero tolerance for COVID program.
Fractalize that, jerk.