Can we put all the DOOM posts on a separate page?
Trump has been President for less than 6 weeks. Kash and Bondi have been in their positions less than that. Before DOOMING everything they do, give them time to build their cases and prosecute these people for treason. Their connections to the CIA/Mossad will come out. STOP DOOMING because it doesn't fit you timeline! We have been waiting 8 years, let it happen without the crying like a liberal! IMO
I think it's important to keep pressure on Bondi since she was the one who allowed the Epstein case to be holed in 2015 when she was Florida AG. Public pressure gives Trump additional leverage over her as well. Kash, however, is still new to the case in his role.
I'm still of the belief that the public also has a role to play here
this. 100%
Yep, people need to be trained to fight for themselves and their rights.
Who had the power in 2015. People get killed for stepping on deep state bugs. Bondi had zero power in 2015 to take on the deepstate. In fact nobody you can name was taking them on.
Look we both have no idea why Pam Bondi was selected after Gaetz. But it has to be relevant that she's seen more about the Epstein case than anyone. I have no concern that the files will be released, but to think that Trump wouldn't consider Bondi's role in the first trial seems supercilious. We've had the Epstein contact list since 2015. There is a role for the public, and given the facts it's not incredulous to call her on a statement that she was somehow "fooled" into thinking she doesn't know more.
Acosta was appointed by Trump too in his last term, and was the person to approve a federal non-prosecution agreement on Epstein. You can take both of these appointments as collusion, or as a strategy. This is a plan, and Trump has elevated the people who helped keep it covered up twice now.
I'll post what I think with sauce, and you do the same, and we'll both be drawing attention so we both win.
Not sure why you think they helped cover it up. It may not have been exposed publicly back then which isn't surprising considering the deep states control of the media, can hardly blame bondi for that. But is it possible trump team became more aware of it through bondi? If he is trusting her now then she must have given him good reason to. I Take it as a strategy for sure.
I'm genuinely surprised this comment hasn't been censored yet. I've brought this up the last couple of days and they've been mod-removed.
I was banned for 2 days for something similar. Said I was dooming.
Not trusting career politicians is dooming. Jeez.