Everyone is throwing a fit to see the names on the Epstein and even the Diddy lists. However, the importance of the names are almost meaningless without examining their ability to communicate things of vital importance to the security of the US.
What was the point of the honeypots? It was to put people in positions of power under their control so they could manipulate the US and world governments.
However, that would not have been the only reason to capture people. There are people in the US that have all kinds of knowledge and access to knowledge about this country's plans, this country's military research, this country's weaknesses, and the list goes on.
This is an information war, and our enemies were gathering information. All kinds of information. The whitehats need to find out who has that information, where it is stored, and exactly what has been compromised.
The easy ones to find and investigate are those they put in positions of power in our government. Those in possession of detailed knowledge of American classified operations and what has been gathered from them might not be so easy. Finding out what they revealed might take a lot more investigation. Finding those that received that information might take even longer.
We are in an information war, and knowing what the enemies of the US know is extremely important to how this war proceeds.
It seems that the only way to discover who has the knowledge is to get them to try to use it.
Or maybe the only way to see who they are selling it to.