A current thread "Can we put all the DOOM posts ion a separate page?" has raised some really interesting discussion, and what I would consider a definitive set of comments by the mod-worthy u/LoneWulf.
I think that set of comments is worth highlighting, which is part of the reason for this post. But I also felt inspired to add to those erudite comments, and so I'm posting this here, in a separate post. Why?
Because I personally feel that at this key and long-awaited juncture in the Plan and the Information War, collectively, anons need to reevaluate our role, what defines us, what doesn't, and reflect on whether we need to make any adjustments to our fundamental stances in order to align with and advance the current stage of the work.
Here we are, more that SEVEN years in to the process that began (for us) with the Q Drop operation.
We rode along with Q to start the Great Awakening, we digested and process the ups and downs, the disappointments of the Great Theft of 2020.
We have undergone the four years of crossing the desert of the Biden era to arrive at the oasis.
Donald Trump has been restored to the position of the Presidency (what ever that means) and many of our hoped for - and some unforeseen - champions have been put into places of responsibility where they can actually affect things from the Top Down, instead of having to fight upwards against an establishment wholly dedicated to thwarting them and destroying us.
In my view, if I am still operating in the mindset that was necessary for a) the Q drops operation 2017-2020 or b) the desert Biden fake presidency and 'pause', then I need to reflect and reconsider how the landscape has changed. And I guess I'm of the general opinion that this applies to all anons.
To Wit:
The following are a few fundamental ideas that for me, defines what an anon is (or what an anon does). For me, these ideas are an important conceptual foundation that is necessary when considering what helps us, what doesn't, and whether I need to be moving forward by defining, or re-defining (which ever the case may be), the role of an anon in the Great Awakening process.
- Basic Concepts*
The Information War = the psywar, aka the mind war, aka the narrative war, aka the spiritual war, aka the 5G war)
Anons are primarily digital soldiers.
Anons have been called to fight, voluntarily, in a landscape and environment that traditionally has only been the domain of intelligence communities and the rare individual shouting out about hidden truths.
As soldiers, it's important for us to adjust to the landscape of the battlefield we are in, and to check if our orders - or mission - or imperative - has changed. Is my current stance serving the end goal? How?
What Anons Don't Do
LoneWulf's comments (If you read the comments under the OP "Can we put all the DOOM posts", just skip this part)
Do you know why we don't allow dooming? Because doomers are obviously not Q supporters. Anons don't doom. We know the plan. We know NCSWIC.
Q 725:
Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions. Q.
Frog: Define dooming.
Dooming is:
"Two more weeks!"
"Why is this taking so long?"
"So-and-so isn't going to do anything about it."
"Why haven't we seen any arrests yet?"
"Nothing is going to happen."
In other words, any negative comments that would imply "The Plan" isn't working or that Q is just a LARP. Shills doom. Trolls doom. The opposition dooms.
Frog: I agree with most of these except the "so-and-so" part.
The doomers will make accusations with no sauce.
Those that have taken the time to research and find solid references to back up their accusations will be left alone.
It's really that simple.
What Anons Do Do (kek)
Regarding the initial comment by LW: "Do you know why we don't allow dooming? Because doomers are obviously not Q supporters. Anons don't doom." I want to add something.
This is, perhaps correctly, a description of what anons do not do. And why, perhaps. But I think its also important to highlight what anons DO do. Because the reason why dooming is not what we do is because it directly goes against the mission we are called to do.
"Civilian Intelligence Militia"
Serious anons know that they have a mission, they have a responsibility, and they move to accomplish that. Real anons are digital soldiers, what I like to call 'civilian intelligence militia'.
We aren't part of the government (executive) intelligence community. We aren't federal employees recruited and getting a paycheck. But we have been mobilized by our commander in chief, and by our patriotic sense of duty, to fulfill a mission.
It's not what an anon doesn't do that defines an anon. (I'm not suggesting that there is anything wrong with your comment, Wolf. I am attempting to augment/add to it.)
What defines an anon is the dedication to a certain mission, and dooming is the opposite of that mission. It's anti-mission. It disrupts our effectiveness, injects distractions, multiplies dissatisfaction and diverts our energy. Anons know this. And that's why we don't indulge in it.
And that's also why doing research, offering based critical thinking - even when it doesn't appear to be simply 'positive' or cheerleading - is part of that mission.
Someone asked "define dooming". Wolf offers what I would call a definitive list of concrete examples that frequently manifest the dooming mindset. he later backs this up with
The doomers will make accusations with no sauce.
And that's exactly it. Because our mission is not to be simple yes men or cheerleaders. It is to apply techniques, best practice, proper efforts to advance understanding, confidence, grounded belief, which all inherently advance the mission of the Great Awakening.
Dooming, in whatever shape or form, is effort that undermines conscientious best practice and the application of research techniques, appeals to a negative emotion in order to (consciously or unconsciously) disrupt understanding, confidence, and grounded belief.
Almost everyone here, anons and shills, know that this is a spiritual war. And, as a spiritual war, mindset is everything. Belief (faith) is a critical and powerful asset. But there is a difference between grounded belief on one hand and whimsy, emotionally charged (driven) belief on the other. A doomer embraces a certain type of belief that embodies a particular negative force. It doesn't uplift.
What's curious is that oftentimes, the people who are manifesting that negative force are frequently unaware that this is what they are doing. But there is where the training and discipline come in.
Ultimately, it's not WHAT you say, but WHY you say it. Because this is a spiritual war at its root. It's about where your comment or words or thoughts are coming from, and where they are going.
Fortunately, we have a feedback loop that can help us to identify these things. "You shall know them by their fruits".
Finally, a thank you to the mods. We know you sacrifice, put in unrecognized effort. You are not perfect (kek), but you are a special kind of champion in this battle we are in.
If you read this far, here's a dessert: The Do Do song: Dedicated to Q
"All the best dishes come with sauce, but the tastiest ones also have dessert" ~ anon
Great post.