If You Live Near The New Madrid Seismic Zone, You Really Need To Read This
Are you ready for the day when the largest earthquake in U.S. history rips through the center of the country like a lightning bolt? Last year, hundreds of little earthquakes rattled the New Madrid Seismic Zone, and it is just a matter of time before catas...
Be afraid... be very afraid!!!!!
Or... NOT.
Just live each day to the fullest, and realize that some time in the next 200-years, the scare-mongers will probably be right. Meanwhile, you won't have lived your life in fear, anticipating some catastrophe that may never even happen.
a whole lotta shakin goin on
"a whole lotta shakin goin on"
...carry on...
All the fault lines everywhere, are in God's hands. No need to engage in fear porn like this.
Damn, even the website name tries to scare you LOL!!
I’m shaking in my boots. What shall I do? Where shall I go to escape this potential catastrophe?
I think I’ll just sleep it off and live a normal life.
I for one will embrace cataclysm. God's wrath would really fuck up the plans of the unnamed.
Some people are so afraid of dying, they can't live.
"Some people are so afraid of dying, they can't live."
"Dyin' ain't much of a livin' boy."
...carry on...
Snyder found his way on to this Board. Nice. He's known as the King of Doom Porn over on Zerohedge.
Sad thing is... one of these days he'll be right. Until then, Party on, Wayne!