BLM Wyoming oil and gas lease sale nets over $6 million | Bureau of Land Management
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – The Bureau of Land Management Wyoming State Office leased 4 parcels totaling 2,443.11acres for $6,725,713 in total receipts for its quarterly oil and gas lease sale.
Lots of natural gas in Wyoming. And I mean LOTS.
Indeed. Got a brother in law that works out there. 👍🍻
I worked on a big LNG line years ago, and the stories I heard were mind blowing as to how much they believed they had.
now hopefully we'll be able to tap into it and see a reduction in "our" costs here and get some good use out of it. 🍻
Energy independence is the single most important factor in eliminating inflation and getting prices down to 2018 levels. Hopefully it won't take too long to ramp up production!!
I hope not, this whole operation has me aged a bit now, Not exactly as young as I wanted to be when this was all done but I can see now that it was never going to be a quick operation. I am glad that it has started to sway in our direction today though. Still,.. just a bit jaded so far as my Pantera head-banging days are somewhat done with. I can still celebrate somewhat though. Days now are much better than they were even a couple of months ago. What we want done in a blink takes time, and after all we've been exposed to and given so far as information that normies are just now getting - has taken a toll, on us all- both mentally and physically. many thanks for the comment, very much appreciated Red'. cheers 🍻