All the people in government and related jobs that are getting laid off or fired are immediately going onto unemployment, so the gov. is still paying them. Keep them employed and move them to the jobs that no one wants, cleaning and fixing roads and other jobs that need doing. They will not like it and eventually quit and then we will not have to pay the unemployment.
All the people in government and related jobs that are getting laid off or fired are immediately going onto unemployment, so the gov. is still paying them. Keep them employed and move them to the jobs that no one wants, cleaning and fixing roads and other jobs that need doing. They will not like it and eventually quit and then we will not have to pay the unemployment.
They can pick the crops that the libtards are suddenly so worried about now that the illegals are on their way out.
Or maybe they can be put to work as domestic help for their 1% progtard masters.
That is really funny. Put them into jobs where they actually have to work. It will be good for them.
These people are paid thru June so they can't claim UC or UI but they are all a nasty UTI!
DoGE should Audit The Unemployment rolls too!