I worked in a half-amish town during COVID. The so-called Christians in the area were very hateful to the Amish for not vaccinating and social distancing.
i understand what you're saying. My old Church I grew up in was Methodist and after seeing the split and hearing what all went on there, I after much thought, ended my membership there. Sad day when all people can do is admonish others for not doing something so little as to wear a mask when the other person simply just doesn't want to. I myself told them it was like keeping mosquito's out with a chain link fence, it even said it didn't stop covid on the damn boxes. unreal but very, very true. Social distancing.. like the germ just falls down and dies at that exact measure. idiots. -sadder, the ones who fell for such nonsense. I think we could all learn more than a few things from the Amish. thank you for your comment Biblegirl' - much appreciated
I was amazed during covid that so many "Christians" were apparently so afraid of dying! If you are saved, you shouldn't be afraid to die! (now, I don't want to die, but I'm not afraid to die :) )
I worked in a half-amish town during COVID. The so-called Christians in the area were very hateful to the Amish for not vaccinating and social distancing.
i understand what you're saying. My old Church I grew up in was Methodist and after seeing the split and hearing what all went on there, I after much thought, ended my membership there. Sad day when all people can do is admonish others for not doing something so little as to wear a mask when the other person simply just doesn't want to. I myself told them it was like keeping mosquito's out with a chain link fence, it even said it didn't stop covid on the damn boxes. unreal but very, very true. Social distancing.. like the germ just falls down and dies at that exact measure. idiots. -sadder, the ones who fell for such nonsense. I think we could all learn more than a few things from the Amish. thank you for your comment Biblegirl' - much appreciated
I was amazed during covid that so many "Christians" were apparently so afraid of dying! If you are saved, you shouldn't be afraid to die! (now, I don't want to die, but I'm not afraid to die :) )
Good point and well stated. agreed friend. 🍻🙏