"I know everyone has an opinion about how to run the government and how to drain the swamp, but ultimately, Trump is the one who gets to make those decisions. He has a plan, and the American People chose him to carry out said plan.
If Bondi is compromised or not accomplishing what Trump wants, Trump will know about it LONG before we do, and it will be up to him to correct it. But for the time being, Trump just made a pretty clear statement today that the DOJ under his new administration will be different, and that he has faith in his appointees such as Bondi and Kash.
If you disagree with Trump’s appointees or his plan, then in four years, you can vote for someone else, but until then, you’ve got no choice but to trust Trump, and he trusts Bondi."
Everyone wants an “insta arrest” following release of all the evidence. In simple terms, what if these criminals can claim they can’t get a fair trial?
The level of fraud, corruption and degeneracy they need to prosecute is off the charts. Has everyone forgotten about the sealed indictments?
It took Mao in China 20-25 years to eradicate the vestiges of Western influence in China following the British Opium Wars. And he had totalitarian control.
EXACTLY!!! Pence was forced on to Trump. The RNC that year didn't want to give Trump the nomination, so Pence was their condition of that. If Trump had refused to run with Pence, they would have given the nom to some non-winning dumbass like John Kasich.
History will judge her for what she does. I question where her loyalties are. I trust Trump but only so far. Just remember, Israel will be last and that makes it biblical. Enjoy the show.
and at the end of this day they have the same result.
When pointing out observable reality(Pam hasn't accomplished anything she promised on day 1, or otherwise yet, but has managed to pump up her public appearances) is met with variations of "Either with us, or against us"... there might be something rotten in denmark.
Because we believed in Q and Trump and the reality is that Israel comes first not America. Back pedaling on Income tax is huge. The theft will continue at the end of the barel of a govt gun. No MAGA there. More of the same but with American flags. MAGA starts when IRS is abolished and Americans arent tax cattle.
TRUMP 2.0 arrived in the White House less than 2 months ago. Bondi was sworn in to the DOJ 40 days ago.
This is what MUST happen:
FIRST, there has to be a cleaning of the house. It's so obvious that the DS has infiltrated and infected ALL departments of government, and that includes the DOJ. So cleaning out the house must be first priority.
This is part of what DOGE is doing. Downsizing, getting people to voluntarily leave, thinning the herd. Across the goivt. But this needs to happen in all departments, including the DOJ.
Then, the sleepers, the bad actors, etc, need to be vetted out. This is s critical priority, because NOT doing this will compromise all future work, including proper and effective disclosures (disclosures that increase transparency but which facilitate accountability), indictments, grand juries, and application of the law to actually bring people to account.
SECONDLY, once the department is brought back into a proper, functioning operation serving the President of the USA, and the People, then disclosures, arrests, the work can happen.
It seems that somehow, some people went from "Drain the Swamp" directly to "Build us a skyscraper" forgetting that the Swamp is still there. Just my opinion.
Being critical of your government is fundamentally a good thing. But criticism is meant to help. That's its purpose; to expose corruption and effect change. IN a positive direction.
Attacking your government when they are working to effect change, that's not helpful. It's damaging.
In my view, those people attacking and casting aspersions on the Trump administration this early in the game are mostly shills, or fools. Telling people how to do their job? Bondi is NOT a politician. She is not an elected official. She's a professional appointed by the duly elected man who has the mandate to execute the will of the people.
Laymen and armchair warriors don't get to tell her HOW to do her job. Because their not qualified.
Congressmen and women? Completely different. They, you can most definitely tell how to do their job. They are not professionals. They are your representatives.
People attacking Bondi now are people attacking Trump. Pure and simple. Be critical, share critical thoughts and views, but always temper that with a perspective that helps the situation, and your elected man, instead of hurting him.
She is making too many photo opps and interviews without any indictments. This is what has the public concerned.
"I know everyone has an opinion about how to run the government and how to drain the swamp, but ultimately, Trump is the one who gets to make those decisions. He has a plan, and the American People chose him to carry out said plan.
If Bondi is compromised or not accomplishing what Trump wants, Trump will know about it LONG before we do, and it will be up to him to correct it. But for the time being, Trump just made a pretty clear statement today that the DOJ under his new administration will be different, and that he has faith in his appointees such as Bondi and Kash.
If you disagree with Trump’s appointees or his plan, then in four years, you can vote for someone else, but until then, you’ve got no choice but to trust Trump, and he trusts Bondi."
Everyone wants an “insta arrest” following release of all the evidence. In simple terms, what if these criminals can claim they can’t get a fair trial?
The level of fraud, corruption and degeneracy they need to prosecute is off the charts. Has everyone forgotten about the sealed indictments?
Relax. Enjoy the show.
Fuck the redactions ----- Fuck Israel.
PDJT is as good as it gets.
It took Mao in China 20-25 years to eradicate the vestiges of Western influence in China following the British Opium Wars. And he had totalitarian control.
Trump picked Mike Pence too.
Pence was more thrown at Trump.
EXACTLY!!! Pence was forced on to Trump. The RNC that year didn't want to give Trump the nomination, so Pence was their condition of that. If Trump had refused to run with Pence, they would have given the nom to some non-winning dumbass like John Kasich.
History will judge her for what she does. I question where her loyalties are. I trust Trump but only so far. Just remember, Israel will be last and that makes it biblical. Enjoy the show.
She is doing exactly as she is told to do. This isn't 2017 and she isn't Jeff Sessions.
at the end of the day, what matters is results..
and at the end of this day they have the same result.
When pointing out observable reality(Pam hasn't accomplished anything she promised on day 1, or otherwise yet, but has managed to pump up her public appearances) is met with variations of "Either with us, or against us"... there might be something rotten in denmark.
Trump supported the "vaccine" too.
Seems you're on a Anti trump wagon .....🙄🤔
I'm against giving Israel priority over justice for US children.
Wow, that downvote really hurt...🙄 I must have hit a nerve.. If you're so Against president Trump then why the fuck are you here ??
Because we believed in Q and Trump and the reality is that Israel comes first not America. Back pedaling on Income tax is huge. The theft will continue at the end of the barel of a govt gun. No MAGA there. More of the same but with American flags. MAGA starts when IRS is abolished and Americans arent tax cattle.
Seems he's being honest and not thinking like a sheep
Are you saying that I Think like a sheep ??
TRUMP 2.0 arrived in the White House less than 2 months ago. Bondi was sworn in to the DOJ 40 days ago.
This is what MUST happen:
FIRST, there has to be a cleaning of the house. It's so obvious that the DS has infiltrated and infected ALL departments of government, and that includes the DOJ. So cleaning out the house must be first priority.
This is part of what DOGE is doing. Downsizing, getting people to voluntarily leave, thinning the herd. Across the goivt. But this needs to happen in all departments, including the DOJ.
Then, the sleepers, the bad actors, etc, need to be vetted out. This is s critical priority, because NOT doing this will compromise all future work, including proper and effective disclosures (disclosures that increase transparency but which facilitate accountability), indictments, grand juries, and application of the law to actually bring people to account.
SECONDLY, once the department is brought back into a proper, functioning operation serving the President of the USA, and the People, then disclosures, arrests, the work can happen.
It seems that somehow, some people went from "Drain the Swamp" directly to "Build us a skyscraper" forgetting that the Swamp is still there. Just my opinion.
Being critical of your government is fundamentally a good thing. But criticism is meant to help. That's its purpose; to expose corruption and effect change. IN a positive direction.
Attacking your government when they are working to effect change, that's not helpful. It's damaging.
In my view, those people attacking and casting aspersions on the Trump administration this early in the game are mostly shills, or fools. Telling people how to do their job? Bondi is NOT a politician. She is not an elected official. She's a professional appointed by the duly elected man who has the mandate to execute the will of the people.
Laymen and armchair warriors don't get to tell her HOW to do her job. Because their not qualified.
Congressmen and women? Completely different. They, you can most definitely tell how to do their job. They are not professionals. They are your representatives.
People attacking Bondi now are people attacking Trump. Pure and simple. Be critical, share critical thoughts and views, but always temper that with a perspective that helps the situation, and your elected man, instead of hurting him.