Westover Massachusetts. Air Force Base, closed that day to all personnel. 10000 foot runway, needed for landing heavy. The timing between take off and the start of the phone calls is exactly perfect for all four flights. Reliable cell calls could only be made on the ground. Also there are witnesses.
Right, in 2001 those cellphone calls were impossible to connect from flight. Your explanation very likely answers a large piece of the puzzle. It also happens to fit with both the no-planes and with the plane-replacement theory. Planes or no planes has been one of the most contentious issues of the 9/11 Truth movement.
Currently there is a new initiative spearheaded by former fire chief and Congressman Curt Weldon to a new Presidential Commission to re-investigate 9/11. If you've listened to his recent interviews he wants the commission to be completely composed of civilians. No politicians whatsoever to run interference. I hope he is successful. It will be a powerful adjunct to the Comer/Luna declassification efforts, and independent of it.
I've read other accounts that included different planes being subbed in while Westover was used as you mention; these accounts also describe the locations where the air traffic control could be fooled into accepting the swaps. Seemed very plausible to me, and I believe real planes were used.
But ... not being there, and not having done extensive research on it, my belief could be mistaken. Hopefully we will have an actual reveal that will be accepted.
digitally inserted in real time. those planes landed safely.
Westover Massachusetts. Air Force Base, closed that day to all personnel. 10000 foot runway, needed for landing heavy. The timing between take off and the start of the phone calls is exactly perfect for all four flights. Reliable cell calls could only be made on the ground. Also there are witnesses.
Right, in 2001 those cellphone calls were impossible to connect from flight. Your explanation very likely answers a large piece of the puzzle. It also happens to fit with both the no-planes and with the plane-replacement theory. Planes or no planes has been one of the most contentious issues of the 9/11 Truth movement.
Currently there is a new initiative spearheaded by former fire chief and Congressman Curt Weldon to a new Presidential Commission to re-investigate 9/11. If you've listened to his recent interviews he wants the commission to be completely composed of civilians. No politicians whatsoever to run interference. I hope he is successful. It will be a powerful adjunct to the Comer/Luna declassification efforts, and independent of it.
Here's the link to their document calling for a new investigation. https://www.ae911truth.org/images/PDFs/Weldon_Presidential_Commission_2025_v13.pdf
I've read other accounts that included different planes being subbed in while Westover was used as you mention; these accounts also describe the locations where the air traffic control could be fooled into accepting the swaps. Seemed very plausible to me, and I believe real planes were used.
But ... not being there, and not having done extensive research on it, my belief could be mistaken. Hopefully we will have an actual reveal that will be accepted.