Nearly there. Foreign students are subsidised with tax payer grants at full pay, so it’s yet another money laundering scam.
Same in Ireland. When I went to university back in the 90’s there were few, and I mean maybe 2 foreigner (non European) students.
Now there are hundreds of dumb Turd World Indians, ME and African “students”. What are they learning? All sponsored by “grants” because “human rights”. The grift is unreal.
My guess is that the foreign students are full pay, while the Americans are in scholarship. Simple economics…
Nearly there. Foreign students are subsidised with tax payer grants at full pay, so it’s yet another money laundering scam.
Same in Ireland. When I went to university back in the 90’s there were few, and I mean maybe 2 foreigner (non European) students.
Now there are hundreds of dumb Turd World Indians, ME and African “students”. What are they learning? All sponsored by “grants” because “human rights”. The grift is unreal.
Has everything been dumbed down?