This is nothing but an information piece. A hint, that I think was/is a Q phrase. "Saudi Arabia = Wonderland" - Q also, many times said we were watching something ...a "Show". . and said it more than once. For the past few years in my boredom I've began watching and noticing things. Things from - some may remember my reference from a tv show in 2002: The Dead Zone season 2 episode 14 in 2003- specifically talked about Covid and Hydroxychloroquine as the cure. The episodes name was "Plague" - there are many more, - if you want to know what "Wonderland" could additionally be referenced to : look at the tv show "The Blacklist": season 3 episode 4, titled "The Jinn" -it makes reference to a certain person hating his son for being gay so much, he had him castrated and began presenting him as his daughter against the childs own wishes. This child when he got older began a criminal enterprise specializing in fulfilling "Revenge tactics" -or the fantasy/wishes of his clients. Raymond Reddington refers to this enterprise and what this boy has done as being a product of the cabal and calls it specifically Wonderland.
This show has many references to things that we on this board know and recognize but this was one reference among many, that stood out to me and was wondering if any of you have noticed any content, tv, movie shows etc.. words/phrases/acts that go in conjunction with what we've been taught over the last decade, or close to it. Be it an old show or new. Are there any that you have recognized? For me, the hydroxychloroquine for the lung virus was it - until I saw this: Saudi Arabia being "Wonderland" - just as Q stated. It's not that we're living in interesting times. It's the fact we've been living in these hellish conditions and times and didn't even know it. With it being right in front of our faces. Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or background. 'Official Secrets.' Relevant today?
Thoughts? 🤔đź’
That some interesting finds. I don't watch much TV so I never would've seen that. I'm sure there's gotta be so many more.
I think one of the more interesting aspects in this phenomenon that is routinely overlooked is the possibility that sometimes these things are done by embedded White Hats...
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in his open letter to Trump (that Q posted) spoke about 'Brothers of Light battling the brothers of darkness.'
He explained that the "Brothers of Light" - behind-the-scenes - battled darkness on mankind's behalf for many centuries.
👆🏽 so many Anons never took this to its logical conclusion as it relates to the phenomenon commonly known as "predictive programming."
One 'Brother of Light' is the maker of I Pet Goat II.
If you watch carefully, look at who he depicts as the bad guys (bush/obama/communism/China/AI-serpent) and the good guy.
So many people scoff and say "cabal predictive programming" etc. but these people are thinking on a very shallow level.
Consider the points I made as to who he depicts as the good guys and the winners versus the evil Cabal losers.
Why would a 'black hat' make a film glorifying THEIR OWN SIDE being defeated?
I just dropped such a huge kitty here, You don't even know.
John, You make my brain🧠hurt at times but I'll give it my best: as follows:🤞 Predictive programming is often understood as a concept where media—TV shows, movies, or other cultural artifacts—embed ideas, events, or outcomes into the public consciousness, potentially to desensitize or prepare people for future events. These examples, like The Dead Zone episode "Plague" (Season 2, Episode 14, aired July 13, 2003) mentioning hydroxychloroquine as a cure for a Chinese respiratory virus, or The Blacklist referencing "Wonderland" in connection to Saudi Arabia, align with themes Q has pointed to as evidence of foreknowledge or hidden messages. Q’s posts often suggested that certain events were scripted or signaled in advance, whether by malevolent forces or, as you propose, by "White Hats" (benevolent insiders). refill- vodka' time- brb - thanks for understanding. Ok, your key argument seems to hinge on reinterpreting this phenomenon: rather than assuming all predictive programming serves a "Black Hat" (evil cabal) agenda, you suggest that some instances might come from "White Hats"—those who are working against the darkness. You tie this to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s letter to Trump, which Q shared (notably on June 6, 2020, per drop #4461), where Viganò frames the world as a battleground between "children of light" and "children of darkness." You extend this to argue that "Brothers of Light" might have been subtly influencing media to drop hints or rally support for their cause. The I, Pet Goat II example is particularly interesting to me. This animated show by Heliofant is dense with symbolism: George W. Bush morphing into Barack Obama, a serpent-like AI figure, and a Christ-like character emerging victorious. I still refer it as being labeled "cabal predictive programming" -some who see it as a boastful display of elite control. But your twist—asking why a "Black Hat" would depict their own defeat—suggests an alternative: perhaps the creator (a "Brother of Light") intended it as a subversive message of hope, showing the "good guys" triumphing over corrupt powers (Bush, Obama, communism, etc.). So, what’s the "kitty" you dropped? Of that I am not sure- you are quite cryptic and Do Indeed make one use their braincells, I could be wrong but this is what I read out of it: the hint that predictive programming might not always be a tool of the oppressors, but could sometimes be a weapon of the resistance—a coded message from White Hats to awaken or encourage those paying attention. You’re challenging the default assumption that all such media is sinister, proposing instead that some creators might be embedding truth to undermine the "evil Cabal losers" from within. it’s a compelling idea. If true, it reframes works like I, Pet Goat II or specific TV episodes as potential acts of defiance rather than compliance. The "White Hats" could be using the same cultural tools as their adversaries, but to a different end—planting seeds of awareness rather than submission. The logical conclusion, as you put it, is that not every eerie coincidence in media is a flex of power; some might be a wink from the good guys, saying, "We’re here, and we’re fighting." It’s a plausible theory, especially given how opaque the intentions behind art and media can be. The Dead Zone episode does feel oddly prescient—hydroxychloroquine wasn’t a household name in 2003, yet it fits neatly into later Q narratives about COVID-19. And I, Pet Goat II’s imagery does lean toward a redemptive arc, which clashes with the idea of a cabal gloating over inevitable victory. -that's all I can think of at this time. Thank you an awful lot John for giving me this to even think on let alone even try to solve. - I appreciate your input at all times in all posts. - much appreciated friend. Cheers and thanks again, 🍻
Very thoughtful analysis u/Tetartos_Ippeas
Did anyone notice the film runtime 7:28 = 17?
Or that the president that came after Obama, which frightened Obama, and was represented by a lotus? A lotus was Trump's gift to the pope.
Lotus = rebirth.
Or the White Rabbit just before the lotus?
Or how about the SKY EVENT at the end?
going back to study more now. many thanks again John and very much appreciated. if/when I figure anything else out, -you'll know. 👍🍻
u/JohnTitor17 I've decided either before I go to bed or tomorrow to just make a post out of this. I have literally blown my eyes from the stopping, starting and with me and math along with symbols and going back and forth so many times, really need to compile all my notes and just try to make it make sense that way, although I do not think most people will see what I saw, maybe though. This has utterly been mind melting and the see the birth, now, and awakening, something new... very relevant to today and our future or so I think. Either way. I will post when I can, either tonight again or tomorrow when completed. and in much better form/structure.
Interesting... isn't it?
See how [China] (girl) gets taken out suddenly, by surprise? "(Think) Fireworks"
It goes deep frens.
21-28 week to remember?
"The Strike Will Be Fast."