JohnTitor17 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think you put someone like her into a position like that so that if or when a particular situation arises such as another plandemic, the spotlight will be put on her. Based on many things/happenings, including things John Titor wrote over 24 years ago (So many of which have fallen into line) I strongly believe there's going to be another "plague."

JohnTitor17 5 points ago +5 / -0

The reason why Trump would appoint this swamp creature to head of CDC could be the same reason why he appointed this swamp creature in 2020 👇🏽
to head the Post Office just in time for 2020 mail-in ballot fraud.
The news of her appointment and his resignation broke on the same day?

What can we infer might be coming soon?

Think on it a little.
Trump isn't stupid.

JohnTitor17 4 points ago +4 / -0

bubblebursts has alluded to Oct 2025 several times as being the end... so confusing

Same here. The sun will be in Scorpio for the Sky Event. But the fighting ends some time before.

Could you imagine how people would react if the sun was "flickering"?

JohnTitor17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bill gates on politicians, et al trying to stop vaccines:
"[...] no, that's a dead end."
(Emphasis his)

Soon the rest of the world is going to wake up to their ulterior purpose...

Philosopher (forget his name) circa early 1900's:
'In the future they're going to figure out how to switch off the God gene (man's connection to the Divine) in humans through a vaccine.'

Q: "There's a war for your DNA."

JohnTitor17 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Prestige is coming frens…
180° MSM flip to honest Trump coverage.
I've been talking about it here for a long time now... to the point where I gave it a name lol.

I do believe it's gonna be one of the most exciting times for MAGA and a major red pill for the masses.

Q: "why is the media so important?"


JohnTitor17 1 point ago +2 / -1

70/30 up/down vote ratio is ideal u/DemPanicAtTheDisco

No growth happens, nor is anything learned in a space where everyone agrees.

"There's no worse prison than the intellectual confinement to the dying embers of a stagnant belief system. Doubt it not!"

JohnTitor17 3 points ago +4 / -1

He needs to watch Candace Owen’s breakdown of the files. It very much ties Israel to the assassination (along with others). Best part. She only uses Jewish sources for her claims.

There, I fixed the formatting for you.

It's too bad this topic is so divisive.
That's why it had to be #IsraelForLast

The good news is that soon more info will come to light, and there will be little rhyme or reason to debate anything anymore because the facts will speak for themselves.

JohnTitor17 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is why over the past 8 years, they had to be forced to repeat all their crimes [...]
When the veil falls, this time around, there will be no fear of tainted evidences, because we lived through it all.


JohnTitor17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Has anyone considered the possibility that when Trump said that Egypt, Jordan etc. should take in millions of Palestinians, that it was to get them out of harm's way for what is about to happen?

JohnTitor17 5 points ago +6 / -1

I did a post on Eric Weinstein months ago explaining how he had been awakened and was going to come to our side.

I think the top mocking comment to that post was

Eric Weinstein has entered the chat.

😂 I was shouting the same thing from the rooftops (not on GAW) about Elon Musk 5 years ago when Gateway Pundit and Citizen Free Press were bashing Elon every chance they could get. I got banned from both those platforms for telling them they were fooking idiots 😂

How ironic that time vindicates someone who plays a time traveler online.

Just wait until you see what happens with the Dome of the Rock mosque (leveled), the Great Pyramid (attacked), the 'Black Cube' (SA), the next 'plague', the tsunami, the earthquake, the nuclear explosion on the Korean peninsula, and (immediately after the above) the biggest of all...
The SKY EVENT which is really a SUN EVENT.
"Bigger than you can possibly imagine."

This is a great find u/ThisIsHowItStarts.
"All Jews" are NOT a part of the cabal.
One of the reasons I love GAW is because "opinions change like the weather."


JohnTitor17 11 points ago +13 / -2

@ 6:10
Notice how many Israeli Prime Ministers were from in and around... Ukraine?
Here's the list, next to their actual birth names:
Netanyahu - Benzion Mileikowsky (Poland)
Ben-Gurion - David Grün (Poland)
Levi Eshkol - Levi Shkolnik (Ukraine)
Yigal Allon - Yigal Peikowitz (Belarus)
Golda Meir - Goldie Mabovitch (Ukraine)

What is the Ukraine/Russia war about?
What is the Ukraine/Russia war really about?

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.."
~Revelation 3:9


Does anyone ever sit back and consider everything (Biblical) that is happening, everything Trump is doing, and wonder to themselves WHO or WHAT exactly is he...?
5:5 yet?

Think about it a little...

70/30 Up/Down vote ratio is about as ideal as it gets because no growth happens, nor is anything learned in a space where everyone agrees.

"There's no worse prison than the intellectual confinement to the dying embers of a stagnant belief system. Doubt it not! " ~JT17

JohnTitor17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hi Jackie. They're talking about my post teaching how to 100% clean out your arteries quickly using Vitamin C and Lysine.
I explain how my father in law was able to skip heart stents by following the protocol I lay out in this post 👇🏽


JohnTitor17 3 points ago +4 / -1

Same here… But it was mostly for optics because we can't let the MSN twist our movement into "merely a bunch of Jew haters."

Going to do a post on this

JohnTitor17 5 points ago +5 / -0

ZUBY wrote:

People in the West cannot decide if women are empowered, equal, and capable of making adult decisions with adult accountability, or damsels in distress with the agency of children, who only sin because men manipulate them.

JohnTitor17 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was great until they put the fight antisemitism

It's a strategic ploy… Sit tight

Vid length 1:04



JohnTitor17 5 points ago +6 / -1

u/DarQ2light This OP deserves a Sticky.


(this topic) ...would get you banned here only a couple of months ago.

I say it all the time, opinions change like the weather on GAW.

9 months ago I gently dipped my toes into this topic here, in a cautious way, because I knew it was banned but at the same time I knew it was true and relevant.
Shortly thereafter, the mods loosened up a bit.
I know why the u/mods want to keep the (Israel) subject a bit nuanced (for now), and for good reason.

Remember that we are "the face of the great awakening", so we need to be careful not to devolve into a 24/7 Israel bashing party if for nothing else but for pure optics. The last thing we want to do is give the enemy material to distort for the purpose of defaming GAW.

Our ultimate goal is maximum reach to our fellow countrymen. If that's true, sometimes some gentle red pills are better than a "(fake) Jews along with Satan run the world" suppository.


JohnTitor17 7 points ago +7 / -0

That they didn't even talk in any type of mild code whatsoever in this conversation is suspect.

Amazing that it came out right after Trump said he's releasing everything.

There's a greater than 0% chance this was false info to get out ahead of the real information.

JohnTitor17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want arrests.
That's liberation.

Let's see what happens the 21st-28th
Not arrests per se but...
"On the Clock"

JohnTitor17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm more curious about the week of the 23rd
Specifically, the 21st - 28th.

"That is a day to remember..."
~John Titor, Feb 2001.

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