This is nothing but an information piece. A hint, that I think was/is a Q phrase. "Saudi Arabia = Wonderland" - Q also, many times said we were watching something ...a "Show". . and said it more than once. For the past few years in my boredom I've began watching and noticing things. Things from - some may remember my reference from a tv show in 2002: The Dead Zone season 2 episode 14 in 2003- specifically talked about Covid and Hydroxychloroquine as the cure. The episodes name was "Plague" - there are many more, - if you want to know what "Wonderland" could additionally be referenced to : look at the tv show "The Blacklist": season 3 episode 4, titled "The Jinn" -it makes reference to a certain person hating his son for being gay so much, he had him castrated and began presenting him as his daughter against the childs own wishes. This child when he got older began a criminal enterprise specializing in fulfilling "Revenge tactics" -or the fantasy/wishes of his clients. Raymond Reddington refers to this enterprise and what this boy has done as being a product of the cabal and calls it specifically Wonderland.
This show has many references to things that we on this board know and recognize but this was one reference among many, that stood out to me and was wondering if any of you have noticed any content, tv, movie shows etc.. words/phrases/acts that go in conjunction with what we've been taught over the last decade, or close to it. Be it an old show or new. Are there any that you have recognized? For me, the hydroxychloroquine for the lung virus was it - until I saw this: Saudi Arabia being "Wonderland" - just as Q stated. It's not that we're living in interesting times. It's the fact we've been living in these hellish conditions and times and didn't even know it. With it being right in front of our faces. Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or background. 'Official Secrets.' Relevant today?
Thoughts? 🤔💭
I am sure there are many Q references that link to movies.
WWG1WGA comes from the movie White Squall.
Q mentions Iron Eagle, Godfather III, The Hunt for Red October. I always assumed the themes in these movies were playing out in real life.
Iron Eagle is about a young man who teams up with a retired Air Force Colonel to plan a rescue of his father who was taken as a prisoner of war in the middle east. Sorta like Trump did with the "Clam before the Storm" moment.
God Father III is about Micheal Corleone attempting to forget his past, turn a new leaf and save the family name. He borrows money from the Vatican Bank to start a family business and uncovers corruption and scandal within the Vatican involving money laundering, embezzlement, and ties to organized crime.
The Hunt for Red October is about the captain of a Soviet submarine who defects while trying to elude both the Soviet Navy and U.S. forces, in effort to reach America's shore to seek asylum. I think this movie reference connects back to Germany giving Israel 6 nuclear capable submarines. Israel claiming they would use the Sampson option if the safety of Israel was ever at stake. I assume when look for meaning, perhaps some these Israeli subs defected, informed government officials of the Sampson option and the US Navy began a mission to locate and destroy the other subs. There was a missile that was launched from Alaska waters, the intended target was Air Force One. The media called it a helicopter, others claimed it came from a decommissioned sub. I think it was from an Israeli sub. Israel knows their survival is at stake under Trump, according to them all options on the table. Saving Israel for last ties into this, you don't want to kick the sleeping bear to early in the game. Provide extra time needed to ensure safety for the planet before taking any action.
You have to wonder if US intel, CIA or FBI gave Israel Trump's flight path and flight details and this was the outcome. Perhaps this was a white hat mission designed to have Israel expose the location of their submarine and the Israeli sub was intercepted afterwards?
I remember that!
There was another missile launched from a submarine off the coast of California as well, back in 2010! It was clearly a threat and I remember the news varied from "it was just the US government testing" which was clearly a lie, to "it was china" but now I wonder if there was some sort of Samson related negotiation going on at the time.