Yes, "Spiegel" is a surname of German origin, meaning "mirror" in German, and it can also be found among Jewish (Ashkenazic) communities, with a history tracing back to the 12th century.
Meaning and Origin:
"Spiegel" is a German word for "mirror" and the surname is a metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of mirrors.
Historical Context:
The name has roots in the German-speaking regions, with mentions of the Spiegel family as barons of Desenburg and Peckelsheim in Hessen as early as the 12th century.
Jewish Communities:
The surname is also found among Jewish (Ashkenazic) communities, with some traditions suggesting its origin from a house sign in Frankfurt am Main (Judengasse) depicting a mirror.
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Yes, "Spiegel" is a surname of German origin, meaning "mirror" in German, and it can also be found among Jewish (Ashkenazic) communities, with a history tracing back to the 12th century.
Meaning and Origin:
"Spiegel" is a German word for "mirror" and the surname is a metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of mirrors.
Historical Context:
The name has roots in the German-speaking regions, with mentions of the Spiegel family as barons of Desenburg and Peckelsheim in Hessen as early as the 12th century.
Jewish Communities:
The surname is also found among Jewish (Ashkenazic) communities, with some traditions suggesting its origin from a house sign in Frankfurt am Main (Judengasse) depicting a mirror.