Since we have more oil and gas than anyone else on the planet, we should sell as much as possible before free energy devices become a thing. Those man-made UFOs aren't using gas or diesel. Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. and make the middle class boom. $150k in CA and NY doesn't go very far. Most families need both parents working and bringing in $300k+ to afford a modest home. Eliminate income and real estate taxes so people can keep something of what they earn. The more you make means the more you keep, not having to always think of the tax man wanting his cut.
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i like it but there is still to many Demonrats that wont let it you really think the womans movement was about getting equality for women...think again... it was all designed to get them into the workforce to tax the shit out of them ..... in years gone by Dad went to work mom stayed home with the kids and everyone did pretty you cant keep up whats next? Jr needs to go to work thats what...............thievery, corruption,manipulation,and crooked politicians made it all happen to serve their masters
it will happen if Demonrats cease to exist.. maybe they'll all walk to Canada or move to Bangkok.. lots of girly boys there, they'd love it!
Liberals have made it clear that they'll only move to majority white countries when they don't get their way. Latinos and Asians can sleep well knowing this :-).
Some Liberals do love their ladyboys, but only on vacation in third world countries.
fuk that i dont want them to move to Bangkok.... i am moving there soon lol.. well to Hua Hin about 150 miles away
alright, move them to Myanmar, tell them nicer lady bois there.
P.S I'd move to Bali instead of Bangkok if I move anywhere for retirement.
Bali is nice but outside of that the whole country is a giant flea market in the middle of a ghetto lol
move them to HELL instead
You worry too much. Bank on this. IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. MAGA cannot happen without slave taxes going away. Taxes are incompatable with that goal. It's a done deal just watch.