With the JFK Files coming out soon, I wanted to pass along this little piece of paper that has recently surfaced in my circle. More in the comments.

Great, I'll be 144! 🙄
Gee, I wonder why 100 years? 🤔
Hope you young 'uns get the real story, although I wouldn't hold my breath..... :(
If Doge hadn't mucked it up you could've still been collecting social security at that age ;-)
Social Security was surely fucked up........ but NOT by DOGE. Where is your information coming from?
you missed the sarc button. :)
(He's just funnin' with ya, Gr8)
Um...it was a joke, hence the winky face. I suppose I could've used a /s for sarcasm.
Got it Austin..... but a little late 😉
And still receiving Social Security benefits 😂
At least my 116 year old kid will have some extra monthly money! 🤣
At 144 & beyond you will still draw SS
Not if doge has anything to say about it!
Here's hoping....