With the JFK Files coming out soon, I wanted to pass along this little piece of paper that has recently surfaced in my circle. More in the comments.

My family recently buried a disabled Marine Corps veteran that we had the honor of adopting after his kids abandoned him. He went to his grave swearing Oswald did not shoot Kennedy. He knew this because he was good friends with Oswald’s gunny from basic. He said Oswald was not able to pass basic rifle. Our friend spent 20 years in the Corp and we recently discovered he spent time in Angola with the see eye aye. He had a top security clearance. He was NBC for aircraft carriers. I believe everything he told us, even the real Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Geez, with that wording it sounds like your family buried him alive. "He went to his grave swearing..."
A Marine until the very end!!!
It wasn't Oswald. Malcolm Wallace's prints were found on another gun found on the 6th floor. Wallace was "supposedly" LBJ's hitman.