National 2A protections need to be mandated unto the states so that citizens across all of America can have their right to self defense restored. The 2nd Amendment exists but like the 1st, it's being shredded into bits before our eyes. Need a federal mandate that ensures the 2nd can't be trifled with on a state level.
I hope that includes making null and void all Acts, bills, etc related to gun control. e.g. NFA of 1934, GCA in the 60s, Hughes Amendment in 1986 (aka the one that banned the sale of machine guns manufactured after that year to us “civilians”), just to name a few on the federal level.
The 1934 act was slowed to be pushed through because a guy didn’t show in court to defend himself and the gov used it to outlaw short barrel shotguns, etc. Completely against the 2nd of course.
The book ‘Unintended Consequences’ by John Ross details it all in a great historic fiction story.
National 2A protections need to be mandated unto the states so that citizens across all of America can have their right to self defense restored. The 2nd Amendment exists but like the 1st, it's being shredded into bits before our eyes. Need a federal mandate that ensures the 2nd can't be trifled with on a state level.
I hope that includes making null and void all Acts, bills, etc related to gun control. e.g. NFA of 1934, GCA in the 60s, Hughes Amendment in 1986 (aka the one that banned the sale of machine guns manufactured after that year to us “civilians”), just to name a few on the federal level.
The 1934 act was slowed to be pushed through because a guy didn’t show in court to defend himself and the gov used it to outlaw short barrel shotguns, etc. Completely against the 2nd of course.
The book ‘Unintended Consequences’ by John Ross details it all in a great historic fiction story.
I have that book somewhere. I need to find it and read it again.
My neighbor loaned his to me. And threatened me with bodily harm if I didn’t return it. It’s banned in canadaistan…is no longer in print.
It can be found online as PDF.
If anyone hasn’t read it, DL it and do so. It’ll piss you off and explain a ton of what’s happened in the USA in the last 100 yrs.