That's exactly what it is. The powers that be know that the gig is up, so they have activated one of many smoke screens to obfuscate the true factions behind the murder. But, more importantly the true motive for the killing.
So now, LBJ is going to become patsy #2, along with the mafia as patsy #3, and some absolute horseshit, petty soap opera drama narrative about the murder being really done for "revenge" is going to gain traction in the MSM.
It's a lie. JFK was really killed because of alien technology, and how he planned to use it for peace. This whole multi-decade coverup has been propagated to hide the true motive.
That they didn't even talk in any type of mild code whatsoever in this conversation is suspect.
Amazing that it came out right after Trump said he's releasing everything.
There's a greater than 0% chance this was false info to get out ahead of the real information.
That's exactly what it is. The powers that be know that the gig is up, so they have activated one of many smoke screens to obfuscate the true factions behind the murder. But, more importantly the true motive for the killing.
So now, LBJ is going to become patsy #2, along with the mafia as patsy #3, and some absolute horseshit, petty soap opera drama narrative about the murder being really done for "revenge" is going to gain traction in the MSM.
It's a lie. JFK was really killed because of alien technology, and how he planned to use it for peace. This whole multi-decade coverup has been propagated to hide the true motive.
And Pop Goes the Weasel. Alien Technology. Too bad it never surfaced and you have no idea what it was---or even if it was.