Following the recent order from Judge Reyes to reinstate trans service members, here's a thought.
Instead of fighting the order, perhaps it's time to create a new military unit just for them. Give them nice rainbow colored uniforms and deploy them to a front line somewhere in the middle east.
Send them to Ukraine. I’ll give them 2 hours.
There should be a draft and everybody who put a Ukraine flag or anything "Diversity" on any social media or personal email correspondence in a business setting should be drafted.
They should be forced to use their preferred pronouns no matter how bizarre and any of their fellow soldiers who can't get each and every pronoun right should spend a week in the brig.
Then, after one year, they should all be allowed to vote on whether or not their whole belief system was based on a bunch of stupid shit and how they owe an apology not just to the US, but to the world.
I think we know what way the majority would vote at the end of the year.
A Muslim outreach brigade - designed to foster peace and diversity with the Islamic fundamentalist terrorists - then challenge the Liberals to opppose it
Yep, something along those lines
Yes and call them the "Rump Riders Battalion"!!!!
We few, we happy few, we band of fluffers; For he/she/they/them to-day that sheds his/her/it's blood with me Shall be my brother or sister or mix thereof
Megamind has entered the chat!
Are you crazy?
Dust is so bad for lip gloss and those guns are so noisy and smelly. Can they just go to a local kindergarten instead?
I'm not so sure I'd want them anywhere near a kindergarten tbh.