Historical context: WW2 justified a whole of society mobilization which necessarily required unofficial official cooperation with the “demi monde” the ubiquitous underworld (mafia?) with a vast transnational network of operatives around the Mediterranean. Luciano was returned from Sicily where he’d been deported to stop Italian American dockworkers from torching freighters bound for England in their efforts to aid Mussolini before America even entered the war. Success led to expanded involvement, but incriminated those involved. Can’t squeal if you’re implicated. Also OSS worked hand in glove with so called resistance units in France and all over Eastern Europe, which were communists. So OSS and subsequent CIA were “in bed” with “the mob” and “the Vatican” and “the commies” from 1941 onwards. Nothing has changed. That’s why they handed Poland, Hungary, Etc Etc to Stalin without any fuss. Stalin had many operatives at cabinet level positions in FDR’s administration from long before the war. Here’s the kicker. Hoover knew. Army Intel. knew. Especially after the Venona transcripts, they were fully aware USA was completely penetrated but for reasons I still ponder did nothing to stop it. Maybe we’re finally going to end this occupation by hostile foreign powers and restore our republic. I do hope so, but it’s not going to be fast, or easy. There isn’t even a Soviet Union anymore but their agents and operatives are like those Japanese soldiers occupying isolated islands as if the war never ended. For them it never ends. The level of commitment is admirable, but it’s got to be crushed like a big nasty bug. They’re still outraged over the Rosenbergs and the Hollywood blacklists. They go bonkers at any hint of “red baiting” and still decry Tailgunner Joe’s efforts to expose any of their shenanigans. JFK knew. He was McCarthy’s best friend in the Senate. I hate communists.
Thanks for the history. I believe it is still very much alive and also agree it must be squashed like a bug. It is evident why they eliminated him, and his brother. JFK was coming after them, but the layers of power around him where very much like Trump's first term .... establishment plants.
Historical context: WW2 justified a whole of society mobilization which necessarily required unofficial official cooperation with the “demi monde” the ubiquitous underworld (mafia?) with a vast transnational network of operatives around the Mediterranean. Luciano was returned from Sicily where he’d been deported to stop Italian American dockworkers from torching freighters bound for England in their efforts to aid Mussolini before America even entered the war. Success led to expanded involvement, but incriminated those involved. Can’t squeal if you’re implicated. Also OSS worked hand in glove with so called resistance units in France and all over Eastern Europe, which were communists. So OSS and subsequent CIA were “in bed” with “the mob” and “the Vatican” and “the commies” from 1941 onwards. Nothing has changed. That’s why they handed Poland, Hungary, Etc Etc to Stalin without any fuss. Stalin had many operatives at cabinet level positions in FDR’s administration from long before the war. Here’s the kicker. Hoover knew. Army Intel. knew. Especially after the Venona transcripts, they were fully aware USA was completely penetrated but for reasons I still ponder did nothing to stop it. Maybe we’re finally going to end this occupation by hostile foreign powers and restore our republic. I do hope so, but it’s not going to be fast, or easy. There isn’t even a Soviet Union anymore but their agents and operatives are like those Japanese soldiers occupying isolated islands as if the war never ended. For them it never ends. The level of commitment is admirable, but it’s got to be crushed like a big nasty bug. They’re still outraged over the Rosenbergs and the Hollywood blacklists. They go bonkers at any hint of “red baiting” and still decry Tailgunner Joe’s efforts to expose any of their shenanigans. JFK knew. He was McCarthy’s best friend in the Senate. I hate communists.
Thanks for the history. I believe it is still very much alive and also agree it must be squashed like a bug. It is evident why they eliminated him, and his brother. JFK was coming after them, but the layers of power around him where very much like Trump's first term .... establishment plants.
In this timeline they missed. Can’t wait to see what’s next.