Second Batch of JFK Assassination Files Released by National Archives | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft
The National Archives has unveiled a significant release of JFK assassination documents, following a presidential directive for transparency. This new batch promises to shed light on historical mysteries surrounding the event.
What if they rewrote the Bible?
There's a scientific practice called textual transmission.
Lots of people, mostly atheist, would say that the Bible had been rewritten and changed significantly since biblical times but we have so many fragments and manuscripts dating back thousands of years that that is easily refuted.
The only thing that was somewhat debatable for a while was some of the New testament accounts but after the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls that was completely put to bed.
They didn't rewrite scripture but they did push for a completely different understanding of what certain difficult passages meant in order to establish a view that Israel has an important place in the future.
Who writes the history books? The winners of wars. Why were only clergy allowed to read the Bible?
Well in the case of the clergy that was the Catholic Church. That was a control issue. They were also executing people for translating the Bible into common languages like English.
Thank God for the invention of the printing press by Christian which led to the enlightenment.
Overall the Masoretic is mostly the same, however there are still glaring differences. The Masoretes drastically altered parts in Genesis to push rabbinic ideas that contracict the book of Hebrews. They lobbed off hundreds of years from the genealogies. The Septuagint and other ancient witnesses prove this. There's a very interesting video on this.
I recommend you checking out Dr James White. He's one of the leading authorities in the world on textural transmission. He's done countless debates, written multiple books, and has one of the oldest running Christian radio shows which is now a podcast called "The dividing line" on the channel alpha and Omega ministries.
If you want somebody younger in a little less long-winded Wes Huff is great.