I'm just about done with my 25 yr old son's behavior. I don't know if it's TDS or what, He never hated Trump before but I know several of his friends do. For almost a month now he has refused to speak outright to his dad and I ( he lives with us), and when he looks at us it's almost like he hates us. He is normally a happy man, but it's like something happened over night and he became a totally different person with us. He lost his job several months ago, and has been helping us felll trees and clear land on the property because no one gets a free ride here. But just a little while ago I asked him to blow leaves and he started and worked for about a half hour and then just sat the blower down and walked into the house, refusing to open his door when I knocked on it.
His car died, and we live in a very rural area, so I'm loathe to kick him out, but I can't deal with this much longer. Something is wrong mentally with him but only towards us. His dad is going to talk with him tonight whether he likes it or not and I really don't want to kick him out. He really would have no where to go. I just want my happy son back. Please pray for my family.
Ok, an "old" mom here. So, let's see what we know.
Now, what is a parent after our children become adults.... we are information and experience sources. We are the safety nets. He needs an adult right now, not a parent. Think of him as a co-worker, a fellow church goer, or a neighbor who is in need. How would you help him? Try to look at the situation from his view. Now, all of this is based on just the few things you have told us, and granted there may be more to it than this. I wish all of you the best.
I believe this is very sound advice from u/FreedomPatriot also I would make sure all of the guns are locked up if you have any and he doesn't know where the key is located. Praying for God's Perfect Healing for your family. 🙏🤍
Thank you.
Thank you.